What Should We Be Talking About?

We all are being misdirected by various means to not focus on what is important. Consider the following:

  1. The city of Avdeevka fell this week to Russian Federation forces. This means the war in Ukraine is over. If you disagree, do some research first focusing on its significance in bombing the Donbass, its military and security fortifications prior to the attack, and finally see if you can find out how many thousands of Ukrainians were killed there. Hint: more than Bakhmut.
  2. We will not be told that the war in Ukraine is over because Western governments are still sending supplies and money to line their pockets. Why let any crisis (even one that is over) stop the looting?
  3. One week later, the so called trucker strike in New York City has fizzled. No empty or even half stocked shelves. I remember the “excitement” last week concerning the power of the people to show the illegal government who really is in charge. Does this mean we have no hope at this time? I believe in quite the opposite: the government and media had to crush this boycott completely before it spread. They overplayed their hand and will continue to exercise tyranny at greater levels to maintain control.
  4. While the trucker boycott of New York City was quashed, the real story is the business aspect of the verdict. Developers and businesses are abandoning New York and will not look back. If Trump sells all of his New York assets to pay an illegal fine under the 8th Amendment, he will still come out ahead as these properties will become worth much less as the city collapses. Escape from New York is part of the new paradigm.
  5. Biden will not be charged for mismanagement/storage of classified government documents because he is not mentally competent to stand trial. Over a week later, and the story has been relegated to the trash heap. Does anyone think the Republicans in the House will do anything?
  6. Mayorkas has been impeached by the House of Representatives. It appears that the Senate will not hold a trial. When will people understand that we have no representation in this illegal government?
  7. March 11, 2024 is a major date with major financial consequences. Do you know what the consequences are?
  8. Why are Jamie Dimon, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg selling massive amounts of their stock?
  9. Why did the United States veto the UN vote for a ceasefire in Gaza? Who is really running this country? How much more death will people of this nation sponsor?
  10. Why are our children being murdered by illegal aliens?

David DeGerolamo

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10 months ago

It can certainly be difficult for a blog to keep up with rapidly changing events. This blog does a pretty good job. Some blogs have a daily open post for any subject. Off topic, no problem. Might consider it. Or not.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
10 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

I have one for that. Firearms and firearm training. Getting pretty tired of the sexist attitude of this industry. Woman only classes, woman only ammo discounts, woman only gun club membership discounts. Woman only range times. I have no problem with them getting trained or sharing the range, I encourage it. but why are men being pushed out by the industry that should be pulling them in?! For some over the course of a year that could add up to thousands of dollars. Not to mention the missed opportunities in training and specialized classes. Does this industry find men no longer worthy to defend our keep? Or has a Mikey Bloomberg type found a way to infiltrate, weaken and exploit. Just for the record my training partner is a woman and I am glad she is on my side….

10 months ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Pete, no woods in your area?

10 months ago

About the closing of the SNIP
The Federal Reserve’s Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will sunset as planned on March 11, ending a program that helped calm the markets after last year’s collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank threatened a broader financial crisis.

I noticed THIS SNIP
In a news release on the BTFP issued January 24, the Federal Reserve confirmed the program will continue to issue loans until March 11; then, banks and other depository institutions will have access to the discount window to meet liquidity needs during times of stress.

My BOLD here. They are NOT Really closing the Bank Safety Net, just renaming it.

The continued theft of America’s treasury will not be hindered as continued money printing continues to reduce the REAL VALUE (what you can BUY with that 20.00 bill) towards zero.

Weimar Germany + Venezuela here we come.

tom finley
tom finley
10 months ago

The traitors know it is over, obiden and myorkas will never be prosecuted for their crimes. The so-called elites are heading to their bunkers, the debt of the fallen Republic cannot be sustained and the kaos that will ensue is going to be life changing to say the least. Our children do not have a future of promise, but of slavery to the beast system. I pray for guidance everyday, but in my human condition I would rather be removing the satanic scum that now infests every corner of this nation, TINVOOWOOT, no way out but through.

10 months ago

We are teetering on the edge of civil war, and it must come, or the nation will not survive under these Satanic lunatics running our country. The American people have fallen asleep far too long now without any push back whatsoever. We let our country be stolen from us thru tactics of deception, sleight of hand, trickery and masterful deceit from the demon-rat party who are the true internal enemies of God and our Nation. Our constitution has clauses written into the document what we are supposed to do as men when we reach an oppressive state brought on by a minority of people, and we are instructed by the law of the land to take it back by force.

10 months ago

The best way to get Dems on board with closing the boarder -- really closing it -- is when there is no demographic advantage to them of piling in more illegals. If illegals don’t ‘count’ in the census for increasing number of Dem representatives, Blue jurisdictions will be left with pain of financially supporting the illegals. So, any reason why a group of citizens cannot file a class action suit against the Biden administration for Biden fraudulently beefing up the Dem representative numbers. Trump had put in place an exec order to only count people legally in the country, Biden cancelled Trump’s Exec order and put it back to the census counting illegals. Our ‘injury’ would be that counting illegals is a fraud that dilutes the power of each citizen’s vote. For that complaint, we would have standing. Surely one of the legal charities would take it on ‘pro bono’ and probably 70% of citizens would join in the class action.

Otis D
Otis D
10 months ago
Reply to  Mary

they aren’t here to vote.

they’re here to kill us.

10 months ago

Thanks for the “keeping us updated “(I’d have a hard time-this IS a 365/7job) .As the house of cards continues to falter,use the fiat currency to buy some stuff that makes sense- hint we won’t sell a cow for a gold coin,as what’s that little piece of shiny metal gonna do?

10 months ago

In Bosnia during the Civil War local currency became worthless. Foreign currency had some value as did gold wedding rings and such.

Why? Because black market smugglers could sneak across the border and get value outside Bosnia.

The smugglers charged a pretty penny for anything you could buy in Bosnia. A wedding ring might get you some antibiotics or a box of ammo. Or get you killed over that bit of gold. Dangerous trading.

Gold and silver are to preserve wealth from debasement of fiat currency but Requires Rule of Law to be realistically useful.

3rd world farmer you’re right, nobody is going to trade a few gold coins for a valued asset like a milk cow.

One ounce of gold is about 2000 fiat dollars Now. How many 5 pound bags of dry white rice, pound bags of dry pinto beans and 5 gallon plastic pails with lids is that?

What holds real value when the lights go out and “Daddy I’m HUNGRY is the song of the land?

Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.

10 months ago


10 months ago

Only God can help us.

Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.

Jonathan Edwards

10 months ago
Reply to  Jane

God’s word tells us to look and see danger and take precautions to protect ourselves.

Proverbs as well as New Testament.

Are you listening for God’s word?

10 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Hope you are, too.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Every day old and new Testament.

Please buy shelf stable food.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
10 months ago

Kind of appropriate?
Feb 2, 2024
Love and Brotherhood

26. To love all human beings who are of the covenant (Lev. 19:18)

27. Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16)

28. Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17)

29. Not to carry tales (Lev. 19:16)

30. Not to cherish hatred in one’s heart (Lev. 19:17)

31. Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18)

32. Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18)

33. Not to put any brother to shame (Lev. 19:17)

34. Not to curse any other Israelite (Lev. 19:14)

35. Not to give occasion to the simple-minded to stumble on the road (Lev. 19:14)

36. To rebuke the sinner (Lev. 19:17)

37. To relieve a neighbor of his burden and help to unload his beast (Ex. 23:5)

38. To assist in replacing the load upon a neighbor’s beast (Deut. 22:4)
39. Not to leave a beast, that has fallen down beneath its burden, unaided (Deut. 22:4)

10 months ago

Read the New Testament.

Al Bino
Al Bino
10 months ago

It is well known that ‘social media’ is being peppered with state propaganda

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
10 months ago

What should we be talking about?
Are we primarily concerned with the worldly fleshly things or the Spiritual things?
Because this leads us to why.
Why do people not recognize the times?
How does He come like a thief in the night?
After all we are told and warned about and what the tribulation brings, how is it possible that “still’ many will not ‘TRULY’ repent?”
To many false ideas and prophets, fear blinds people, they believe what they want to believe instead of what we need to believe.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
10 months ago

Number 11 They have been spraying our skies since the ’70s. That’s what those tic tac toe white trails criss crossing in the sky is all about.
Climate change is a scare tactic to hide the climate manipulation that is going on. Control food and you control the people. Flash flooding in one area, drought in others, flash freezing with chemical ice nucleation. This is covert weather warfare. No food equals no people.
For more info, geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington