What The Hell Was That?

What will We the People do once Kamala is installed as Puppet in Chief by the Deep State Rulers?

November is fast approaching.


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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

I just got back from the San Fernando Valley here in Comie-Fornia. I had an interesting meeting with an old acquaintance (by chance) who now works for Disney (ABC). Yes--I used to work in the film industry. Cutting to the chase--yes, Kamala Harris was given the questions and general topics to last nights debate well in advance… hence her intense, lengthy and obviously rehearsed response to nearly every question posed by the communist-shill moderators (hand-picked by top ABC co-conspirators BTW for their ability to lie straight-faced). She was just too perfect. Too rehearsed. Too on point for most of this debate and she responded on cue to everything spoken by Trump.

Now get what I see today on WSRA and it makes total sense of what I learned from my ABC contact….


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The BIG CHEAT is on my friends. With every point made by Trump--with carefully scripted questions made in advance to prompt Trump into an obvious response--you can see Harris was being stage-managed off-camera via wireless ear-piece remotes.

This is the “Truman Show” in real time on network television. I can just imagine what she was being told…”laugh, mock, grimace--look surprised” by her stage-manager handler who was there with a real-time feed (no delay) somewhere adjacent in that studio setting--most likely in a facility green room, or adjacent control room hooked into the live feed.

If the communists can fly in truck-loads of emergency ballots (with 90% favoring Biden BTW) --what makes you think they/them cannot jiggle the debate odds with a little high-technology (off the shelf is seems). And that’s what these RF earrings mean--there is no other explanation.

What we are entering now and openly witnessing in real time, is an emerging era of top-down, Orwellian-style, tyranny with the MSM shamelessly collaborating with and advocating for the enemies of humanity. FYI--five major corporations control ALL of the major media outlets (radio, print, TV, movies, internet, etc.) in this country. Only one of them leans somewhat conservative (FOX). Adolf Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels could not even conceive of such media control such as these gigantic corporation have in modern times.

I just pray somehow Donald Trump manages to get re-elected. And if so, what can he do to remedy this situation with the leftist media? Taking away ABC’s broadcast license won’t handle the problem. Just for starters--what needs to be done is to break up these mega-media giants. Decades ago NBC had multiple broadcast networks--the Red and Blue network… which were then broken up by the government because they were too big. Now NBC is nearly 100 times more massive than just two radio networks. Ditto with ABC/Disney--with their multitude of channels and streaming services--and internet outlets. What we have now is more akin to Orwell’s “Big Brother” down to flat-screens that can actually watch you at home.

I’m just wondering when conservatives will actually do something about this form of emerging tyranny--other than cracking a beer and watching NASCAR.

Last edited 4 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
4 months ago

As stated by our host in the title, get ready for the next toilet to be installed. Its going to happen. Now what’s your plan (thats rhetorical, don’t poast anything).
Its GOING to happen. What they will do between now and then is make it look reasonable (with fake fans at fake rallys, fake videos, etc.).

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

The Consteetooshun | Evil White Guy Don’t worry the Consteetooshun will save us.

4 months ago

Watergirl is a cheater!   

On a side note: Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris.  Ah hahahahahahahahaha.. eh  

Wasn’t Taylor Swift the one who sings that song about herself? The lyrics are: “I stay out too late, Got nothin’ in my brain, That’s what people say, mm-mm, That’s what people say, mm-mm”  

Birds of a feather… Ah hahahahahahahahaha!!!

You can’t make this stuff up.