What We Know to Be True

28 American Revolution Wallpapers - WallpaperBoat

Nothing will ever be done concerning election fraud as shown in the article below. Let’s be honest: absolutely EVERYONE knows the 2020 Presidential election was won by Donald Trump. The people’s choice in what was our Constitutional Republic was cancelled by both political parties.

Let’s also be honest: the only people who control power in this country in every branch of government and the military are traitors to the Republic. The rest who support them are also complicit in treason. And the sheep bleat the same old mantra: we will take back the government in the next election. Do you think these traitors have any fear of a public backlash from the people who make this country work and run on a daily basis? They control all law enforcement, intelligence agencies, the media and the courts. They have street level storm troopers in Atifa and BLM who operate with impunity and immunity from prosecution.

The 2020 election was not the first stolen election. Obama’s 2012 election, the 2016 North Carolina gubernatorial election and the Kentucky gubernatorial election are more examples. The 2016 Presidential was fixed for Hillary but the traitors underestimated Trump’s voting base.

So here we are. EVERYONE knows the Republic has fallen in a coup. As our masters bleed our wealth in every fashion and have their boot on our necks, we do nothing. We allow them to vaccinate our children, curtail our liberty, reduce the value of the dollar and implement their two-tiered justice system to eliminate our “rights”.

When we allow traitors to sterilize and injure our children with their unproven “vaccine”, we also have to be honest with ourselves: we have already given up as a nation.

Comparing Hamas to biblical cult of child-killers is ...

The war that will be fought to regain our freedom will be bloody but what other choice do we have if we believe in our God given rights?

David DeGerolamo


Delaware County Pennsylvania Lawsuit Is Going to Blow the Roof Off of the Democrat Voter Fraud in the State

An election whistleblower in Delaware County, Pennsylvania released video evidence of the destruction of election data, documents, and equipment by election officials in the 2020 presidential election on Wednesday night.

The videos show election officials admitting to each other that their actions were illegal, even “a felony.” But the officials decided to destroy the election evidence anyway.


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3 years ago

Dave Hodges made a.strong point

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Mr. Rapp: Please do not shoot the messenger(s). Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I agree that Mr. Hodges appears to be out there in in ozone, but I remember in the early 90’s when I subscribed to the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor. I was able to glean some valuable nuggets from him and he predicted the whole “War on Terror” scam way before it started.
I take both Messrs. Hodges and Quayle with a large grain of salt. I glean what I can and then try to verify it with other information sources. I look at these people as the canaries in the coal mine. When their sites go dark, it is game on for real. There is no doubt in my mind Andrew Breitbart was terminated with extreme prejudice. Bleib ubrig.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

I agree with you, Hodges is a warmongering fool. “Beat China”? Impeach Biden?. “Common sense show”? That fat POS has gone full retard.



SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Unbelievable how the conservatives masses (almost all never spent 1 day in uniform either!) are clammoring for war with China/Russia and have no clue how outnumbered we are from a military standpoint. The China bug originated here in the USA, and the real enemy resides in Wash DC, Wall St. and Hollywood.
But hey, keep pushing for war and we can go out like glow worms, no need to worry about another vax. Arrogant ignorance is not a winning tactic.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Amen sir!

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Agree with your assessment of Hodges-POS. Do not rely on Hodges for any intel…he’s a sensationalist striving for “click bait” and a “carnie barker” selling crap. Half his time on his 3-minute news vignettes is selling crap. Ponder this…why is he still on YT when reliable non-censored news sources are on Bitchute, Rumble, Patreon etc?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

There’s nothing like being called a coward by low IQ idiots who don’t understand the situation. Every time they have to stick their hand in the fire before they figure it out. And it’s almost always someone else’s hand.

3 years ago

We’ve heard this before and “nothing” happens. Counties in Michigan uncovered the fraud and what became of the findings? …nothing! There is No Confidence in the Rule of Law! None!

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

It will be mom and pop vs fbi,irs,atf,etc swat teams going forward. No “war” will be declared, no generals will rise up to lead the rebellion, and it will NOT be televised. That is the reality already here.

3 years ago

Thanks for directing me to an old grey fat man hawking Tumeric, Jane. If there’s one thing I needed, it’s another commercial. I would not despair, anyone, at the lack of action re: the steal, and other nefarious tyrannical horse hockey. Things may rectify slowly, but things will get done. Lack of proper action does not mean it will never happen. It didn’t happen overnight, it will get resolved in the same way, a day at a time. The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Those wheels have been producing a bountiful harvest for those that keep its bearings well greased.
All that needs done is to spike the grease with valve grinding compound and sit back a comfortable distance and watch the machine eat itself. There will be high value scrap operation afterwards that will entail the greater effort.

Commercialized Communist Takeover
Commercialized Communist Takeover
3 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Most of the people that are out there “warning” on what the left has planned are literal marketers and commercial small businesses. They have a vested interest in “prepping” and zero interest in solutions. They prefer to sell the new woke sheeple on preparing for their demise in bunkers with tasteless freeze dried foods than uniting them to stop this insanity. By the way you only need canned good for a war that is coming in mere months not decades. We are already at war and many do not know it. Hence the idea of freeze dried for 2 decades away war is stupid. Within 24 months we will all be down to rations one way or another. Do not even need dehydrated. The inflation, open borders, UN, Build Back Better financial destruction, justice system, compromised intel agencies etc. we are in absolute free fall now and your preps will be used guaranteed within 5 years (by 2026). Most likely 2023 after they cheat in 2022 with another faked virus to facilitate another great mail in cheat. Once power is secured they won’t hold back now that they have serious momentum. We are less than 350 days away from the end of the end of America and most do not even know it at all. We will be a tyrannical dictatorship by 2024 elections and people think Trump will save them and by the time they realize nobody is coming to save their lazy dumb fat asses they will be enslaved and then wake up and see their prison and their guards and how they were enslaved and refuse to believe they allowed it. They will seek someone else to blame.

3 years ago

Hmmm. If the power grid went out for 6 months, who would be stronger on the other side of it? The totalitarians or the individuals who want freedom? Deaths would be in the millions. But not just for us. They would suffer, too. Their oppressive surveillance system and digital gulag would take a big hit. Might not be any winners. It would take the bad guys a very long time to get control again, if ever. Enough to make a man take up drinking.

3 years ago

Actually, the fraud aside, you get what you vote for (or don’t vote for), and thus, what you deserve. I may be wrong on the figures, but I have read that somewhere between 47 and 52% of the eligible population do not vote. Could cheating have been overcome with an unprecedented red tsunami voter turnout? Blues harvest and otherwise turn out the vote, and it was still that close. Instead, people bitch and moan from behind their keyboards. Non-voting voters deserve what others decide for them. Sympathy? It’s in the dictionary between suicide and syphilis.

3 years ago

The problem is that all the loud-mouthed “patriots” think that individuals and small groups can change the government by rising up and shooting the mailman. This is so ridiculous that it actually works in the elites favor, which is why they manufacture such events when there aren’t enough real ones to make hay out of.
Organizing locally and at the state level so that armed men in uniform with a command structure willing to fend off federal overreach by any means is the only route we have towards victory. Which is precisely why the electoral corruption goes down to the governor level; they know the trouble that could be created by even a few states lead by someone with balls and brains.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Well your right about organizing at the state and local level, but I disagree with loud mouth patriot statement. We need to get louder, jeffreyprather.com is organizing at the state and local area, he has groups nationwide. He is based in Tucson AZ. He also has Intel, doctors, lawyers and everything else. He is who I learned that there was a fbi agent also chasing kyle rittenhouse.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

He’s absolutely correct about loud mouthed patriots, most never read a real history book in their life and only repeat what their TV news spews out. The lack of intelligence and reasoning across this nation is staggering, we live among idiots who can’t do any homework on their own, instead they allow their TV to lead them right into the arms of the enemy. We’re being brainwashed and lied to from every side, including your own favorite media and politicians. Wake the fuck up!!!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I do not listen to any msm including faux, I for one cannot believe that people would just line up to get the kill shot. I am not a war monger I prefer peace. But I will not submit to the maoist regime, better to die alone on my feet.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Yes if only President Kennedy had kept quiet and had been able to follow Gen MacArthur’s advice and pulled our troops out of Vietnam but the military industrial complex assassinated him. That coup de ta has led us to the current maoist regime.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You just proved my point about historical ignorance.
We’ve been living under Bolshevik control for over 100 yrs, not just since JFK. NYC and European bankster elites led the way with financing the Bolshevik 1917 Russian Revolution, FDR surrounded himself with Bolshevik advisors and Sen. McCarthy warned us in the early 1950’s abouyt Bolshevik control here in the USA, all pre-JFK.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Agree what I was saying Kennedy was about to change it, he also was going to break the CIA into thousand pieces.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am not ignorant of the facts you stated earlier, this is not a Republic. It has been a socialist democracy for a long time.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You know just trying to help you PROVE YOUR POINT.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Got it, we’re good!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Semper Fi.

3 years ago

Even if that story is true, nothing will change.
Nobody on the left ever gets caught. If they get caught, nothing happens to them. If something happens to them, it’s a slap on the wrist.
You are all passengers on the bus, not the driver.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nope

-driver=bus stops,+bus running=going new direction!!!!!!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

It’s not there… Not yet. We’re getting closer.
The insults and indignations will get worse. They are, and quickly. The kids will be the trigger for most.
It’s like a wildfire. All the ingredients are there, you may even get a spark, but it takes a combination of circumstances to get the whole forest burning. The fuel is building, just not at critical mass yet. That’s what you’re differing with the rest of the population about. They aren’t as fed up as you are, because they don’t see the indignations. They don’t see the graft in the Biden paintings. They don’t see the insider trading (long PFE!), They’re not pissed off yet.
They’re getting there.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Right, and tomorrow the entire country will be composed of pissed off Rambo’s ready for combat.
Any day now, any day now……….

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

You sound like the propagandist media, you bemoan and criticize your fellow Americans, have no empathy not sympathy for what they are going thru under this communist regime. Because you use the moniker Semper Fi. There is no way to defeat the traitorous bastards in DC. We are outnumbered there is no way to defeat them. I say BS the 1776 war was fought against one of the best military’s in the world. You have no clue what you are talking about.

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

And then what happens? What happens after people get mad enough? They shoot a few politicians, maybe a few doctors. Maybe they shoot a lot of politicians. So what? Then the normies will try to reinstate a constitutional republic, and all the forces behind the scenes along with their idiot voters subvert that process to put the same types of people into office as before.

The same thing happened in the late Roman Republic. A great man named Sulla got himself elected dictator, exterminated huge numbers of the shitlibs of the day, including entire patrician families. Then he retired to a life as a gentleman farmer. A generation or 2 later everything was back to the same corruption, because he only killed people, he didn’t change the system that created and selected for such people.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Exactly, many people die for liberty, and then nothing changes, the idiots go back to what they always did before, vote for new slavemasters.
How do we undo stupid? We’re surrounded by it.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I guess you should just accept the fact that you are living under the maoist regime and get on with it. I took a oath at 17 to protect and defend the constitution. We should just abandon the country to the communists? Doing nothing will not work either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Eternal Vigilance.


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