What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or Martial Law?

What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or Martial Law?

What will happen first? Will we fall under the specter of martial law and all that entails? Or, will we experience an economic collapse prior to martial law?

In the present state of affairs, it is very easy to focus on the invasion of America through our Southern border as the Fifth column insurgents make their way into the country in the form of MS-13 as they prepare to wreak havoc on any opposition to the coming takeover. We are also focused on the presence of unscreened immigrants coming into our country and who are failing to be screened for very serious health conditions such as Ebola. It easy to become fixated on things like the NDAA and unconstitutional, permanent detention.  We are very focused on the shoot down of MH-17 and preparing for war with Russia. However, what we should be focusing on is the economic collapse which has already began.

Before we continue with the analysis of what comes first, let’s interject some common sense into this analysis. The global elite need a horrific war to rid themselves of the old system and usher in the new system. Out of chaos comes order. This will set into motion the depopulation agenda that will accompany this coming martial law and World War III. We know the globalists seek to maximize profits at every turn. Therefore, one should ask themselves the question, “How can they globalists make the most money as they usher in the New World Order? The answer is simple, if they want to realize maximum value for their efforts, they should steal as much money from the American people as possible, before collapsing the economy.



The correct answer is martial law.

David DeGerolamo

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