What Will It Take?

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Mary Combs
Mary Combs
1 day ago

Forwarded to my circle and contacts. It is a good synopsis.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 day ago

Excellent, watch and share.

1 day ago

Unfortunately, the democrats are so self-deceived they will all go down with the ship and they won’t even ask themselves how this all happened. They won’t even look at themselves and state it was them all along for the last 100 years. The party has morphed into a mafia like crime syndicate with murder, theft, bribes, child trafficking, drugs and much more with no end in sight. The Democratic party can never be allowed to gain control ever again of our federal government and what will be their final move. let’s see, most likely a secessionist movement of all blue states forming a new convoluted vile confederacy or crime syndicate which will finally destroy all of them. Once they believe they can achieve their illegal goal their state governments and legislatures will be invaded by our military under orders from Trump and all of their legislatures and governors thrown into prison and every state put under a military governorship until fair elections can once again be held, with all new honest people.