Fight, we better get serious and pick up our arms and kill every last one of them. If you do not think that is what they have in store for us, go back to sleep.
Extirpate the Satanic Globalists from US soil.
If they should inquire to your door, Shoot them in the face.
Psalms 144: 1-8 NKJV
Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.
In reality applies to the USA more so.
I agree.
Europes cooked. Well Done. Burnt to a crisp.
And we are simmering.
Get yer monkey wrenches.
Best to crawl before ya walk etc etc.
I do not have a facebook account.
You don’t have to have one to view the link
Thank you for the reply.
I never had a FB Account
Fight, we better get serious and pick up our arms and kill every last one of them. If you do not think that is what they have in store for us, go back to sleep.
The Trust: A Warning for the Modern Patriot, by Crusoe -- American Partisan
Extirpate the Satanic Globalists from US soil.
If they should inquire to your door, Shoot them in the face.
Psalms 144: 1-8 NKJV
Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.
Absolutely, nothing less.