What Would a Real President Do When an Embassy Is Attacked?


Unfortunately, the truth surrounding the needless deaths in the 2012 Benghazi attacks is still not out. Another Democrat scandal hidden by the Deep State, Obama administration and the media.

I still believe that Hillary will be the Democrat Party candidate once the train wreckage of the current slate is cleared. If this happens, the above picture should be printed on posters and put up around the country. On the other hand, why wait?

David DeGerolamo

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Timothy E Tucker
Timothy E Tucker
5 years ago

She came, she saw, she laughed. We saw, we voted, we quaffed! Winning this was Huge! Pass me another XX, and enjoy the mayhem we caused on the left.

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
5 years ago

Brilliant Poster!

5 years ago

Dont forget it was a Republican Senate and Rooster Head, a Republican senator who lead the inquiry.

Nothing was found because it would have shed the same bad light on the Gang of 8 as Obama and HRC.