What YOU Need to Know: The REAL Communist Revolution is Healthcare

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3 years ago

Control of healthcare is just ONE on the methods the left seeks to use as a form of control over us. They also seek total control over energy, over the food supply and lately they are seeking to corner the market on single family homes…..so they can herd everyone into tiny apartments where they can dictate EVERYTHING to EVERYONE.

Glock Grandma
Glock Grandma
3 years ago

At 61 I am on ZERO medication. I don’t go to doctors unless I can’t heal myself from a severe infection. The last time I went to one was 8-10 years ago (?) only bc I couldn’t clear a bad case of thick green snot and a horrific cough. Now that I own a nebulizer I should be just fine in case something like that comes up again.
Medical care is over used and over rated!
Eat well, exercise, rest, love yourself and others, have fun, be grateful and guess what? You’ll be well in no time 🌸❤️🎉
Ammo up ladies and gents-

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago

Sounds judeo.

3 years ago

Folks, she nailed it. Worth more than one listen. I saw no hyperbole in her statement. My observations mirror hers. The last 10-15 years have been a rocket ride to the bottom in terms of contamination of the practice of medicine. Corporations and .gov, and social engineering have poisoned the well. I could go on for pages pulling the scab off this sick care system, but she did a great job. After 20 years I had to step away from the beast, because the only mission is to feed the beast, and that mentality is used to justify things in medicine that wouldn’t fly a scant 20 years ago. Be your own best advocate and researcher, then find a trusted doc you can work with when it is needed. Good luck.

rabbi Andrew
rabbi Andrew
3 years ago


3 years ago

Very Soon, all ‘healthcare’ will be Limited to only those who have taken the (fake, bioweapon) “vaccines”.
I’m glad I know a good Equine Veterinarian, since Horses are pretty much the Same as People from a Drug Use/Effectiveness standpoint.
p.s. You have no doubt heard of Invermectin being used for treating the Wuhan Batshit Flu… It also works good for treating Intestinal Worms in Horses….