What’s Another Half Trillion Dollars

The information below is a best case scenario. As we are seeing today in Italy, a rise in interest rates can happen overnight. I doubt Americans have a true understanding what even a modest rise in interest rates will mean to our servicing of the national debt.

David DeGerolamo

Fed Faces Explaining Billion-Dollar Losses in QE3 Exit Stress Test

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s efforts to rescue the economy could result in more than a half trillion dollars of paper losses on the central bank’s books if interest rates rise abruptly from recent levels.

That sum is the difference between the value of securities in the Fed’s portfolio on Dec. 31 and what they may fetch in three years, according to data compiled by MSCI Inc. of New York for Bloomberg News. MSCI applied scenarios devised by the Fed itself for stress-testing the nation’s 19 largest banks.

MSCI sees the market value of Fed holdings shrinking by $547 billion over three years under an adverse scenario that includes an economic contraction and rising inflation. MSCI puts the Fed’s mark-to-market loss at less than half that, or $216 billion, if the economy performs in line with consensus forecasts of gradually rising growth, inflation and interest rates.


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