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- Richard on Gold Hits All Time High
- kal kal on Crenshaw Threatens to Kill Tucker Carlson
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- MrLiberty on Unintended Consequences Are Starting to Brighten the World
- Al Buckner on Never Again
While I agree that resistance may take many forms, the thoughts expressed in these two videos do not represent my idea of resistance.
Sometimes I feel like we are the Jews of WW2. The Germans have morphed into the government and the Gestapo types of the police here in the USA. Securing our rights is difficult when they are being ignored and trampled on. Laws are being passed without the consent of the will of the people. The definition of words has changed making us criminals and terrorists. I’m all in favor of “doing the right and honorable thing” but there comes a time when the other side just does what they want to do, What do we do then? I’m in favor of what your saying in these videos but it seems that as your telling us to be sensible while the other side is using the time to get stronger and take more of our rights. How far can we get pushed before we all wind up in the Ghettos or on the cattle cars on our way to FEMA camps? Remember they built the FEMA camps first, we didn’t. There are piles of coffins awaiting someone. They kept many things a secret from us as though we are their enemies like the Jews of WW2. Secret deals made behind closed doors and laws that effect our lives are a reality not just a nightmare. Haven’t you been noticing any of this?