When a Pervert Calls the Sociopaths’ Bluff

Hold onto your hat: this is gonna be a wild ride.

We begin with a plunge off the mountainside, a stunner so shocking we’ll question our sanity: John “The Pervert” Pistole, Chief Deviant at the TSA, has finally done something – gulp – right.

Go ahead, try to recover: I’ll wait. Deep breath, relax, and repeat. All set?

OK, let’s try it again. The Pervert, who legalized routine sexual assault on the public at large – an atrocity no regime anywhere, however brutal or totalitarian, has ever previously attempted or even contemplated –, has behaved laudably.

To wit, he stood up to the even more reprehensible lowlifes in Congress.

And poor Perv is taking heat for it, too. The TSA’s army of critics – yay, guys, go! Pulverize this filthy, vile agency! – has excoriated him across the internet. “TSA claims Congress has no jurisdiction over it; refuses to attend hearings,” screams one while another’s headline blares, “TSA Claims It Is Above Congressional Oversight.” As the latter explains, “The TSA has refused to attend a House Transportation hearing … , with agency head John Pistole personally refusing to appear and declaring that the Congressional Committee has ‘no jurisdiction over the TSA’. The hearing … [was] held by the Subcommittee on Aviation, a part of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (TIC). It is titled HOW BEST TO IMPROVE OUR NATION’S AIRPORT PASSENGER SECURITY SYSTEM THROUGH COMMON SENSE SOLUTIONS.”


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