When Anarchy Reigns

Anarchy is defined as a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). The Capitol Building in Wisconsin is under “occupation” by protesters who are described as innocuous college kids:

They’re loud, they’ll give you the finger, and they yell at you, but I really think deep down inside they’re just mostly college kids having fun, just like they’re having fun sleeping with their girlfriends on air mattresses. That’s the guts of that crowd.

What is the response of the government? Nothing as shown below in an excerpt from an article detailing the “occupation”:

The occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol by protesters fighting efforts to strip public workers of union bargaining rights carried on Sunday after police decided not to forcibly remove demonstrators and end a nearly two-week-long sit-in.

The state agency that oversees the Capitol had asked the throngs of demonstrators who have camped out inside the building since Feb. 15 to leave by 4 p.m., saying the building was in dire need of a cleaning.

Even when state Republican Sen. Glenn Grothman was confronted by the protesters, the police were nowhere to be found and firefighters had to assist the senator into the building.

Angry protesters confront a locked-out Sen. Grothman

Protests against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget and the battle for access to the Capitol took a tense turn last night when GOP Sen. Glenn Grothman was locked out of the building and was eventually surrounded by hundreds of angry protesters, according to the Cap Times.

The paper reports that State Rep. Brett Hulsey, a Democrat from Madison, intervened and tried to calm the crowd. The incident lasted 5 to 10 minutes and firefighters eventually cleared a path for Grothman and Hulsey to make their way to a side entrance to the building.

Democracy in Wisconsion is degrading to mob rule. What is worse: mob rule or the loss of rule of law? When the unions resort to “Fight Like An Egyptian” as a slogan to solidify their message, we must understand that their “cause” is not just: it is just an means to an end. Are you ready for the “end” of our Republic with the consent of the government?

David DeGerolamo

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Pam Reynolds
Pam Reynolds
14 years ago

I remember being at the Capitol the day healthcare passed. We were around the capitol and then dozens of capitol police came out with weapons and told us to move back to the lawn area. I seriously thought about sitting down and not moving until my husband convinced me that there was a serious chance that we could be fired upon or taken to jail. I looked at the police and decided he was right and we all moved. There are different rules for different classes of people. We all know that the tea party would never be allowed to do what the people in Wisconsin are getting by with. I wish someone would look into who is paying for most of those people to be there but that is another wish that will never happen. It is time to prepare friends.

Tim Peck
14 years ago

“Public-sector unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party.” http://is.gd/EyxdCY