When Bad People Get Murdered By Other Bad People, It Doesn’t Make Them Good, It Makes Them Dead.

Oh, satan is one wily chess player.

Pitting the musloids against the sodomites (but I repeat myself…) – wait let me make a precision: Pitting the musloids against the western sodomites is already bearing hellish fruit. (N.P.I.)

Look folks, when bad people get murdered by other bad people, it doesn’t make them suddenly good.  It makes them DEAD.

The 50 killed in that SODOMITE NIGHT CLUB, unless they fully repented of ALL of their sins and died contrite for what they were ENTHUSIASTICALLY EMBRACING AND PRACTICING just seconds before, died in unrepentant mortal sin.  While certainly possible, the odds are LONG, to put it mildly.

Their fates were locked-in at the moment of death.  The fact that they were murdered by musloids DOES NOT REHABILITATE THEM or DISPENSE THEM FROM THEIR SIN in any way. The ultimate tragedy is that there are now 50 more people who no longer have any chance to repent of their sins, to avail themselves of God’s Holy Church, the Sacrament of Penance, and to die in a state of grace, in friendship with Christ. 50 people have faced Jesus Christ in their particular judgment, having died enthusiastically enjoying a SODOMITE NIGHT CLUB.  Tremble and quake at the thought – it is horrifying.


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8 years ago

I agree.Its like the media puts there idiotic spin on everything.Is there anyone still have there own mind.Not one manipulated by the NOW media

Tom Angle
8 years ago


8 years ago

it’s almost time people. Our nation will be in full blown war by the end of this year and it will be bloody, but the losers will be them and our debased law enforcement personnel who don’t know right from wrong , they have all been sodomized by the negro islamic sodomite and he keeps on sodomizing them, and i guess they like it. so in my book they are internal domestic enemies with phony two bit tin badges. If I was a cop I would go home now and be with my family , none of them cn be trusted unless they get on the right side of the constitution and begin to do there jobs.