When Deadly Force is Defensible Against a Crowd


Will be on the exam.

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Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
5 years ago

thank you!

The Hinoeuma
5 years ago

Excellent points.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

Delicate situation! I’m a NC CCH instructor and what I’ll say about firing into a crowd is you better be sure you hit the actual provable threat and nothing else! And what will the others in the crowd say at your trial? Also are you white? Jewish? Is the crowd made up of a socially protected class? Antifa?gays? Black?don’t think this won’t be a factor!

5 years ago

The point concerning taking extra ammunition into a situation that you know may be dangerous made sense. Conversely, Antifa wearing masks to hide their identities when they attack should also be a factor in your defensive actions. For some reason, Portland and their police are aiding and abetting this behavior.

5 years ago

I disagree, I believe the reason Michael Strickland was convicted is because the judicial system has been thoroughly co-opted into the leftist ideology that is Multnomah County. Any one of the other 35 counties in Oregon, and he probably would have not even been cited, let alone convicted.

The article didn’t mention that the entire incident was captured on video by a different videographer and was posted on YouTube. It might still be there if you look it up. Check it out and then you be the judge.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

David , if you’ll call me I’ll be glad to give you some one on one advice on the crowd.

5 years ago

The Governor of Oregon and the Mayors of these cities are the ones to hold accountable.