When Politicians Become Puppets

On March 9, 2011, the people of North Carolina now understand that our Democrat politicians are controlled by Washington. The vote to override Governor Perdue’s veto failed along party lines. And this is the key point: politicians are voting for parties instead of constituents. We must not forget the duplicity of the governor who vetoed the general assembly’s after publicly stating that she would not.


We can only imagine what means were used in Washington to “persuade” her to sell out North Carolina.

The following quote has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson but this cannot be confirmed:

“When the government fears the people, there is liberty; When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

However, when the governor fears the federal government, North Carolina is just a puppet supporting a regime.  If political parties were the answer, we would have term limits and recall amendments to reign in corrupt politicians. Do you feel like the governor is representing North Carolina or has become a vain and aspiring woman?

David DeGerolamo

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