When the Time Comes, You Will Have a Defining Moment

In the movie Tin Cup, Roy McAvoy played by Kevin Costner states “I hit it again because that shot was a defining moment, and when a defining moment comes along, you define the moment… or the moment defines you.”

Looking forward there are going to be many defining moments that will arrive at your doorstep and you better be prepared to act or others will act for you.  Knowing what you will do in these moments will make all the difference in the world.  If and when the SHTF, preppers will be better off than 99 percent of the masses because it was expected.  It was prepared for and decisions have been made for months to years ahead of time of what will need to be done if…it…happens.  Preppers won’t be in a panic such as what we saw in the wake of hurricane Sandy, they were prepared.  Having these decisions made ahead of time will lead to an increased level of sanity when the world has become insane around them.

There are a multitude of different scenarios that could play out.  I believe it will help people to have a plan for when they do.  It would be impossible to be comprehensive in this article, however the following are three key scenarios we should all be prepared to face.

Defining Moment #1:  What if comprehensive gun control laws are passed


h/t Tom R

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