While the likelihood of a preemptive nuclear strike is low, the announcement shows that the world has changed. Weakness will not be tolerated as the bear is about to strike the sheep. As Obama heads for the golf course, our leaders and military have left us in a precarious position. So we wait. Got Faith?
David DeGerolamo
Russian General Demands Preemptive Nuclear Strike Doctrine Against NATO
While NATO is contemplating its existential purpose in a world where the Cold War has suddenly come back with a vengeance, and the military alliance has found itself woefully unprepared to deal with a Russia which no longer accepts the supremacy of the west (appropriately enough NATO is doing this on a golf course) Russia is also strategizing, only instead of issuing “sharply-worded catchphrases” and hashtags, a Russian general has called for Russia to revamp its military doctrine, last updated in 2010, to clearly identify the U.S. and its NATO allies as Moscow’s enemy number one. That in itself is not disturbing: we reported as much yesterday and is merely more rhetorical posturing. Where things, however, get very problematic is that the general demands thatRussia spell out the conditions under which the country would launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the 28-member military alliance.
Moscow Times reports that Russia’s military doctrine, a strategy document through which the government interprets military threats and crafts possible responses, is being revised in light of threats connected to the Arab Spring, the Syrian civil war and the conflict in Ukraine, the deputy chief of the Kremlin’s security council told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.