When Will Authorities ‘Lockdown’ America (& How Long Will Quarentine Last)? Here’s What The Patterns Show Us

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

Yesterday the World Health Organization officially declared Covid-19 a pandemic (like we didn’t already know this.) As well, President Trump addressed the nation, closing American borders to all flights from Europe and announcing some ways he intends to help the people of the United States financially.

In unofficial terms, this is sh#t getting real.

Things are going to get worse – possibly much worse – before they get better. Illness completely aside, this will cause financial problems that many folks will feel for years after the pandemic is over.

The biggest question people are asking now is, “When?”

When will the US begin to see measures being taken to lockdown areas or put people into quarantine? What would that lockdown look like? How long will quarantines last?

We can look at how this has gone in other countries to get a general idea of the pattern. Of course, we’re Americans and we do things differently. Our geography is quite different as is our population density. So this isn’t an exact science. We’re looking at patterns to predict (not in a crystal ball kind of way but an analysis kind of way) what could happen here.

Here’s how things have gone in Italy and China.

Read the whole article Here…

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John Kummer
John Kummer
4 years ago

If the National Response Plan (NRP) gets invoked, DHS assumes broad powers for the duration. NRP is intended to let FEMA deliver unimpeded aid where needed, but also makes all other Federal Agencies “supporting entities”. I recommend reading about this on DHS.GOV.
Health and Healing in Messiah Yeshua to all, JK