When Will It Be Too Much? When?

I’m back from spending four days in the woods, off the grid with my 8 year old son. It was great Father – Son time. While we only saw one deer, he still had a blast riding 4-wheelers, shooting guns, whittling sticks with his own knife (that mom disapproves of…shh), and watching old cowboy movies. It was much needed time away from what troubles me most.

I saw very little news, I tried to avoid it. I don’t pick up many channels out in the middle of nowhere anyway. But I’m back to civilization and it seems not much has changed in four days. I always kind of hope when every time I go off the grid that an EMP happens, I’ve had no such luck with that yet.

The FTX scandal has done nothing. The stolen elections are still getting a blind eye turned towards them. The stock market somehow hasn’t collapsed. China and Brazil have uprisings with very little media coverage here at home. The January 6th political prisoners are still rotting away. Every day is a loss for us. Conditions are slowly getting worse, but not enough that people will rise. I saw this meme over on WRSA this morning:

When will it be too much? When? It’s a question I have been asking for years now. I fear the world I am leaving my children. I am angry at myself because I feel helpless to do anything about it. I am alone. I don’t want to just move to the woods and try to live out the rest of my life in relative peace. I want to provide a better future for my children. But if we will not unite, going off the grid may be my only option. I look at my kids and their smiles and how they have no clue of the dark days ahead and I just want to cry.

I had a lot of time to think over the last few days. I’m still amazed that this whole thing hasn’t collapsed. As sad as it is, I pray for something drastic to happen to unite us and bring us to action, so that we can begin to clean this mess up and set things right. I’m tired of watching the darkness creep ever closer. But most of all I’m tired of seeing the coward staring back at me in the mirror.

I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. I know I sure did. But I am feeling guilty for having such a wonderful Holiday while the future of my children grows ever darker.

I’m at a loss. It’s time to do the hard things. It’s time to be Men.

Yall have a good day.


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2 years ago

You said -- “I had a lot of time to think over the last few days. I’m still amazed that this whole thing hasn’t collapsed. As sad as it is, I pray for something drastic to happen to unite us and bring us to action, so that we can begin to clean this mess up and set things right. I’m tired of watching the darkness creep ever closer. But most of all I’m tired of seeing the coward staring back at me in the mirror.”

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Mohave County Board of Supervisor told he would be arrested if he didn’t vote to certify the election-Video -- American Partisan Glad you got some time with your son Wes, I moved to Arizona because it was a conservative state, now the commies have taken it. I do not see how we are not out in the streets like Brazil. It really makes me sick to my stomach at what is happening, there are no more options left, but one and it involves a whole lot of violence, I am ready.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Kalizona…right next to North Mexico. Which is directly south of Khommirado. The West didn’t used to look like this.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Unrecognizable is it not.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

+1 its getting old and so am i so why not

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommyboy

I hear ya, let’s get this show started.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Same here Tom. We even moved to the Az. wilderness to get away from the commies in the city. We live outside of a town that could be considered a Ghost town and the post office told me they open 10 new p.o.boxes a week. We are seeing lots of Commiefornia plates. They are a cancer; they kill the host then move on.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Yea they are building like crazy in my small town, it is about that time to even the score.

2 years ago

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished for a CME, EMP or a big damn asteroid to hit this F’d up world. I’m getting old and fear that I won’t be much help when everyone finally wakes the F up. The brainwashed masses just haven’t been uncomfortable enough to start the party.

2 years ago
Reply to  JeffG

You are not alone, divine intervention is fine by me

2 years ago
Reply to  JeffG

And, the masses will never be uncomfortable enough: The establishment ensures it.

2 years ago


Me thinks the frogs will be boiled

2 years ago

It may be that the people don’t unite, organize or mobilize against anything collectively and that this is perhaps what brings on the tribulation in part, per se; one side builds culture (their own), and the other side follows, is submissive, or is incapable of critical thinking individually in many cases and as a larger people group (this should have been viewed as a sickness a long time ago), and with the sterilization that Covid-19 reportedly brings, are decreasingly in the favor of a viable populace in terms of efficiently maintaining a country. There will necessarily be the need to mix nationalities and races for the purposes of procreation. Although decreased birth rates were perpetrated, it was also facilitated and acquiesced to, by patriots, Christians, conservatives and others and thereby agreed to, although they tend to profess that they are on the correct side of history. Isolation in the negative sense becomes contagious; a further fractioning, splintering of people, like with abortion rates and divorce. If they’re not reckoned with they don’t go away. This is why one can posit that Christians live outside of natural law. It’s not viable to not have the larger social bands; this condition was bred and perpetuated by the freemasonic corporate Christian church system (leading to one’s demise in many senses).

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The only unification or mobilization you’ll see is when they herd us into cattle cars. We need “Lone Wolfs” hitting HVT’s (high value targets.)

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  wyolyo

They can get 90 to 100 thousand to show up for a college football game.

2 years ago
Reply to  wyolyo

Will be far easier if it’s far sooner…. but if it’s not, then “when they herd us into cattle cars”, there will be “Lone Wolves” who have nothing left to lose. After that, there will be “Lone Wolves” protecting what they have to lose. After that there will be organic organization. Would be easier if it were sooner… maybe some places…

I don’t think they’ll get around to door-to-door rounding up for the cattle cars, at least not for years. What they’ll do is make it illegal to live outside a city, where it’s economical to police dissidents. Then they’ll shut down bank accounts of the illegal. Cut off electricity, and propane delivery to rural areas. Eventually, perhaps, they’ll pick high profile individuals for round up, using 10 different agencies and 100s of paramilitary. Or mabe just cement plug your well under the same protection. These things will create an organized defense, if we’re too stupid/lazy to have gone there before.

You should invest in the means to succeed against at least the first wave they send.

2 years ago
Reply to  wyolyo

I simply cannot believe with all the patriot ex-service members we have in this country that there couldn’t be a number of highly trained A-teams formed to do just that.

Up Yours
Up Yours
2 years ago

As long as they can get away with using blackmail, they will.
When they start disappearing for blackmailing people, it will eventually stop.
Don’t harm them; simply disappear them.

2 years ago

I, too, wish it would start. Like many, I’m old and broken physically. But that doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to fight. I have always been willing to fight. TPTB are smarter that we give credit. They know how to slowly boil the pot. We need a catastrophic situation to motivate folks; and that doesn;t seem to be happening. Today, in my area, gas is $2.69. The local grocery is stocked as are the other local stores. This is a community of 1700 with one gas station and PO Boxes only. Illegals galore and high speed chases with rollovers and baleouts. I carry 24/7. I’m not willing to murder. I have no problem with self-defense. No problem with violent resistance. No problem with revolutionary/uncivil war. All this will take a catastrophe to motivate folks. All I can do is wait. Do not think less of me for that. Given the circumstances, I will fight. And die accordingly.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Eddie, your a patriot in every sense and a hero in every way, God bless.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

We need the pulpits filled with men of wisdom, discernment and action. Jonas Clarke at Lexington. Separation of church and state? That’s difficult when the church is operating under the states 501c3 policies. Its not cowardliness, maybe insecurity? Not in ones own abilities but the resolution of others. Not about being the first, about being the Only. The division, fear and isolation are rooted deep. It’s fifth generation warfare, most are unaware of the term much less the implications. Love one another, stand for one another, be ready for one another. Minutemen under moral law.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Amen Pete !

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Jeremiah 5:31The prophets prophesy falsely,, and the priests bear rule by their means, and my people love to have it so, and what will ye do in the end thereof?”
Modern translation -- quit wondering why God has not bared His mighty arm. The spiritual “leadership” is compromised. The people just want to be told what to do. They like it that way so they don’t have to think. When the minister says to take the jab, they run to do it!

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I can no longer stomach organized religion. Doesn’t matter the denomination. It’s just not for me. .gov monitoring and control thru 501c3 and the clergy response team. -Bible Study/Home Church-. Revivals can be pretty awesome for fellowship and networking.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Exactly! “Not about being the first, about being the Only”. The key to avoid “getting in the boxcars” is in my favorite Eastwood quote: “A man’s got to know his limitations”.

Know your limitations. Know what life is worth living for you, and what life is *not*. Know that “getting on the boxcars” is *not* going to save your life. They’ll just kill you later, if you don’t beat them to it. When the only choice you have is between alternative ways to die, choose a death with honor, one that makes a difference. Make sure they do not profit from your death.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

-not about being first, being the only- look at Stewart Rhoads, out there dangling like a worm on a hook.

Heaven's Gait
Heaven's Gait
2 years ago

comment image

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Heaven's Gait

My, what a large meme you have.

Heaven's Gait
Heaven's Gait
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

That’s what FACTUAL REALITY is, the proverbial “elephant in the room.”

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Heaven's Gait

Love it.

2 years ago

“ I always kind of hope when every time I go off the grid that an EMP happens, I’ve had no such luck with that yet.”

Here I though it was just me.

2 years ago

And here I thought it was just me too. We’re not alone. There are truly more of us than there are of them. We just don’t know how to unite, finish the job, and then go back to where we were before we became like the Saxon.

Son Of Liberty
Son Of Liberty
2 years ago

I feel exactly the same. How and when are we all going to act!

you know who
you know who
2 years ago

If Rhodes -a former Army paratrooper, didn’t do the deed with all the support of OK’s behind him, what makes you think a lone wolf or a pack of wolves will stand any chance of success? maybe divine intervention is the only way? maybe not. But it appears Rhodes is looking at 20 years in the gray bat hotel.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  you know who

He wasn’t the right man for the job. The entire concept of the Oath Keepers is flawed. And they all submitted to the arrests. They weren’t serious enough. They grossly underestimated the feds. Former paratrooper means absolutely nothing. The feds will come and arrest you or kill you. What’s your plan? He had no plan. If anyone plans to go up against the feds, prepare to kill as many as you can and then you die. If that happens enough times, we might have a chance. Meanwhile, resist and crash the system.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  you know who

Haven’t seen you in a while. Hope you are well.