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Anyone capable of waking up and seeing the insanity either left the military or never joined.
I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she’s gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she’s done to it
There’s one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world
Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world.
We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores
and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes
for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world
Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world.
“Rockin in the
world.” If you tell me you have or are discovering freedom,liberty, peace, through Mashiak, I can understand. But thisWORLD
is not free. I see it as quite the opposite and am grateful to see this. Pray for understanding.Stinkin’ blinken rocks out in the Ukrainian dictatorship. This entire admin and its horse’s asses are a disgrace and disgusting.
Doofus blinkentony is getting rightfully excoriated online over this little publicity stunt. One marvels at the fact that absolutely no one stepped back for a minute and said “you know, this business of showing up for an impromptu rock concert isn’t going to be such a good look when the Ukies are just about done for, and Russia will be wrapping things up in the foreseeable future (unless we force a nuclear exchange to cover up the loss)”.
And to get up and play a song that was written as a scathing critique of America (read the actual lyrics) by an older breed of libtard like Neil Young in support of a US sponsored (and thoroughly bungled) war effort, in the country about to get crushed by said war, is beyond amazingly ironic and tone deaf. Kind of like Reagan’s use of “Born in the USA” as a campaign song way back in the day
Oh, and they just had to take a CSpan crew along to document it for broadcast. Blinkentony is nothing more than a teenaged female tiktok attention whore in an old man’s body. I don’t think he gets how this social media thing works. A lithe, blonde sorority girl in a bikini will get endless slavish attention and compliments just for posting a picture of herself. His little side show here, not so much. Maybe he needed a “Mission Accomplished” banner hanging on the wall behind him. Yeah, that would’ve done it.
I retired in 1997 before the military went crazy and the senior leadership lost their courage of their convictions. However, my grandchildren informed me that they are interested in a military career like myself and their father. I told them in no uncertain terms : “Don’t even think about it!”
All of our grandchildren need to be training to destroy the freaks that took over our military and our government. this is what our children and grandchildren must be training for now which would make them an undefeatable army to the Whore freak sodomites who took over our entire nation.
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Just Please Don’t Call Us Bigots! One’s tribe.
Tom, what he really means to state is, God has been removed from everything that our nations foundation was set on, and now is totally destroyed by what he calls parasites. In other words, the parasite is SATAN and his band of unholy fallen beings and demons, which are manifesting themselves daily now and many people who have rejected God are now seeing these beings because they have a demon parasite infecting them thru various means and ways. Rejection of God=Going to straight to HELL.
Spot on.
Perhaps as many as 600,000 dead Ukrainian troops, and he thinks it’s cool to show up and play the guitar. Psychopaths and narcissists run the world.
He is a sodomite freak of nature and maybe he will get hit with a missile attack from Russia, it would be a befitting end to a demonic infested dog of which he is. He sickens me to even look at him.
Nobody, talk to someone in Ukraine, over 1,000,000 is what they will tell you. That number was given two months ago by a Ukrainian-American returning to the US after visiting her relatives in Kiev.
Over a thousand US troops abandoned in Niger? Where’s that article? All I have access to is this video clip of Blinken playing rhythm guitar with a voice lacking in musical value.
Update on that the Russians are slowly moving the US troops out of the country as Niger has awarded the airbase to the Russians.
“Over a thousand US troops are abandoned in Niger”??? I thought the coup leaders told them to leave. At the risk of sounding heartless, so what?! They took Biden’s shilling. Let them do Biden’s bidding. I drank the purple Kool-Aid in 1969 and it was only by God’s grace that I did not end up fertilizing some Dink’s rice paddy.
I even doubled down on my foolishness by becoming an active Army Reservist 1979-1987. By then, Patsy Schroeder and her leftist minions had turned the military into an “I am woman hear me roar” clown show. Yes, we prevailed in Desert Storm and Desert Shield, just as a UFC fighter would prevail against a 12-year-old boy. Now, .mil is just a cash cow for the “Gimme my freebies”, LGBTQ+ crowd. When I started my second career as a schoolteacher in 2002, I indoctrinated my students about the truth of being a slave to Wall Street, the MIC and the Banksters, by joining the ranks. Most listened and learned. The few that did not, at least made it out with their lives and health somewhat intact.
Don’t under-value what you’ve done/learned. Somebody will need to train and motivate the “Americong”….
I wonder how much security he had that the video did not show. What a perfect opportunity for a head shot.
Still waiting for the GOs, COCOMs, and Service Chiefs to say something. Anything. Crickets.
Refresh my memory someone--just what did Emperor Nero do while Rome burned?