When Will the Rest of the January 6th Political Prisoners Be Let Go?

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

Finally someone with legal authority AND the guts to call this sham what it is. To call Jan 6 an insurrection is nothing but a steaming pile of propaganda, and that so many stupid sheep go along with that lie is a stain on the US, and truly shows that any freedom you think you have is merely at the largess of government apparatchiks who can spin any nonsense they want with the help of the bought and paid for media.

2 years ago

Perhaps taking voice lessons to soften and give different inflections to his speaking voice would be helpful. Although his words are clear and easy to understand, and the fastness with which he speaks is fine, it’s still rather acidic and energy-draining rather than energy-giving. This may be attributable to his alpha male characteristics, but softening his speech a bit, with a more natural delivery would likely appeal to his audience, and draw in more listeners.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

I understand what you are saying, but I would add this. I wear hearing aids that amplify an existing problem prior to needing them. I have always had difficulty with certain frequencies and the speed of speech. Women and New Yorkers are difficult for me to follow. But that’s my problem. On the other hand, there was a time when broadcasters had to pass a voice test before being accepted on the job. Drew Pearson somehow squeaked by. Today it’s anyone’s ballgame. To be fair, however, I thought Tim’s cast today was very good. Laid it out well.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Correction -Walter Winchell -- not Drew Pearson.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

All I am reading is: He needs soften his voice for the soy… and the gurlz.