When Will We Be Able to Handle the Truth?

Americans cannot handle the truth. When presented with facts concerning a situation, they attack the messenger. I know.

I was thinking the other day about “what ifs”. What if Mitt Romney had called Obama a liar during the debates? There were multiple lies spouted by the president and Romney did not stand tall and call him out (this is not a fact but an opinion). What if the GOP convention would not have exposed their duplicity? Would it have made a difference in the course of the election? It does not matter: our economic collapse and poor leadership in Washington, D.C. would not have changed. Most people do not have any concept of the magnitude of the national debt, economic manipulation, real estate disaster or most important of all, their loss of Liberty.

KrisAnne Hall has written a piece on truth and liars. Who is the worst liar? The person who is lying to themself. Acknowledge the truth, stand up and fight for Liberty. As for the liars  politicians who are responsible for this country’s situation, we must consider Ms. Hall’s words and “classify yourself by your actions”.

Here are some lies that North Carolina is not addressing?

1. The state constitution is illegal.

2. The 14th amendment was ratified under coercion is not legal.

3. The federal income tax legislation was not ratified legally.

4. The unemployment and inflation rates are manipulated by the federal government.

5. We are still in recession.

David DeGerolamo

Patriot or Politician?

I was recently called uncivil.  What was my uncivil behavior?  I called a lie a lie in the face of a liar.  If that is uncivil behavior, then I suppose I have been classified.  However, I believe we have been given a magnificent heritage. Men and women have lived their lives in great sacrifice and given their last breath to secure a nation for our children.  This nation they built was to be a beacon of hope to the world: A light of Liberty and a shining example for future generations.  The foundation of that hope and Liberty is the Constitution of the United States.  We have too long stood silent over the denigration of their sacrifice. 

When people who wrap themselves in the flag and call themselves representatives speak lies and operate to destroy and ignore the Constitution of the United States they spit on that sacrifice.  Is this behavior demanding of civil response?  Would you allow someone to stand in front of George Washington, Sam Adams, or Abigail Adams and slap them in the face with no recourse?  Yet day by day worse occurs.  Our children are brain washed, our people are deprived of their God given rights, and our government is the chief perpetrator and violator! There is no distinction between political parties any longer.  The only distinction that remains is those who support truth, Liberty, and the Republic by standing firmly in defense of the Constitution and those who will not. You classify yourself by your actions.

Let us be clear.  I will not cower, capitulate, or comply.  Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Mercy Otis Warren all deserve my life, fortune, and sacred honor.  How will you classify yourself?  Are you a Patriot or are you a politician?

 More from KisAnne Hall…

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