When Will We Understand the True Meaning of the Declaration of Independence?


Senator Jim Davis represents District 50 in the Western portion of North Carolina. He gave the following speech in Franklin, NC on July 2, 2011. I was impressed by this portion of his talk (presented below) for several reasons.



  1. Sen. Davis submitted facts to a candid world outlining the “abuses” in America. However, he used the term government instead of Democrat as the responsible party for our country’s serious problems.
  2. He reminded us that it is our right as outlined in the Declaration of Independence to alter or abolish any government that becomes destructive to these ends.
  3. Sen. Davis tells us what we already know but politicians and media do not address: it is “long past time to fight back”.


When we read and understand the true meaning of the Declaration of Independence, we will take the first step to regaining our freedom. If we are discussing the restoration of any portion of our freedom, it means that we have already lost our freedom. Freedom is not something that can be parsed: you are either free or a slave.  It is not the fault of the Democrats, Republicans or governments in Washington and Raleigh that this great experiment has failed. It is the fault of the people for not standing up for our self-evident rights as endowed by our creator. It is the fault of the people for not standing up and fulfilling their duty to their creator, country and family.

David DeGerolamo

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