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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Who Was Censured?
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
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- thexrayboy on Who Was Censured?
The real men never submitted to face diapers, or made their families submit. The real men lost their jobs, not over vaxx requirements, but mask requirements.
Repent of your cowardice if you have submitted, stand up, and be a man!
The men have been neutered for decades by TV, public schools, the mothers, their fathers and their church. I say piss on them. They are out to destroy and I really have had enough. It is really time for men to stand up, but they live in fear and will not.
Was on a radio the other day. A couple old guys (I know one is 71) where talking about the bad things happening now a days. I jumped in and said it will not stop until we stand up and stop it. They had all kinds of excuses like I am old and what can I do. Your an man are you not is what I told them. Well needless to say, I am not the favorite on the radio.
This has been going for a very long time and it needs to stop. We need to shame all men that do not act like men. I remember a time when that would happen.
Yes Thomas, I am 71 and will fight to my last dying breath, I was in a fist fight maybe six months ago. This big mouth was talking shit to my wife, I think it is way past time we stand and take our country back.
The age thing was to show the length of time is has been going on. My dad is 78 and crippled up, but he still has a little fight left in him. I just remember the days when men expected you to act like a man. Especially the older guys. They would call you out if you did not. Now they want to sit and express all their feelings and cry it out and hug each other. It has bothered me all the 51 years I have been alive that men have slid downhill. You do not have to be a good fighter, just fight if need be. If there is enough of us, they will back down. Bullies always do.
Story time!
You bet, I got a hundred just like that maybe more.
fuck yea!
“Where are the Men?“Prepping, training at the gym and at the range, hoping for a peaceful political solution but doubtful of achieving one.
Test levels are down badly! Men back in day, 1500-2000 testosterone levels. The shit we consume is all full of junk killing mens Test. Estrogen blocker or inhibitor…idk, don’t quote me but this is happening! I am mid 40’s and fed up with the talk though…. We do still have good men left, NOT FOR LONG THO!
I heard the water supply for the cities is full of estrogen from all the birth control pills. Glad I’m a country boy, er man.
The men have been pushing back, suffer consequences and come back harder. The time nigh for the intensity to be apparent to all.
Who wants to be a man, after the misandristic 1994 ‘Crime Bill’? Thanks senator dark Brandon.
Though to answer the question, the matriarch castrated them. Matrimony causes men to go insane, by contractual subjugation to the state. ie sadist posing as egalitarian.
But don’t worry, you can pass it along to your children, the way your complacent parents passed it on to you. The individual will forever be subjugated by groups. Groups who believe sacrificing your natural rights will keep their children safe. That is, until they turn 18.
Must have been good. Never seen rumble take something down before.
As is typical with me, I am reading the post and comments a day late. I had some storm damage from Ian and that is taking a lot of my time so I am unable to respond in a timely way. The way I see it as to men not being men, it all stems from a departure from Almighty God. Thomas is right that men have neutered, but the neutering comes from their departure from The Lord. When the father of the house shows his children (remember, more is caught than taught) that it is more important to watch a football game on the Lord’s Day, than it is in spending time in the Scriptures and with God’s people, then that father is perpetuating and compounding the problem. When the local church uses the means of the world to attract people to their church, this is also compounding the problem. Churches in my area advertised they were having a Super Bowl Sunday at their church and anyone is welcome to come and eat and watch the game. That is the most pathetic thing for a preacher to do. The pastor is saying, “I can’t attract them with my preaching, so I’ll get the to come with the use of a football game.” Preachers (I can’t call them Pastors because they are not feeding the flock of God) need to return to a dependance upon The Almighty and Him alone. Stop worrying about the new building you want and begin falling on your face and crying out to the Maker of heaven and earth. Stop trying to manipulate the people with your sermons and start asking The Lord to mold you as He would have you. Stop orchestrating Sunday morning to get what you think is the desired effect, but instead, weep as Jeremiah did. That being said, I now must look inwardly. Have I wept before my Lord for His abundant blessing to be poured out on my pastor? Have I sought His face for the spiritual welfare of my family? Have I cried out to Him and sought Him diligently that I would be the spiritual man I should be? In the late 1940’s, the Isle of Lewis, off the coast of Scotland, experienced a revival that is amazing to read about. The preacher was Duncan Campbell and he has recorded many of the events of the revival. The most amazing part is that it began when two old ladies became concerned that the young people did not show much soul thirst for spiritual things. These two old ladies began to pray and after about six months called on an elder of the church to discuss it with him. He agreed to pray also. The elder went back a little later to visit the ladies and one of them told him to contact Duncan Campbell to come and preach. When contacted, Duncan Campbell refused because he was in the midst to meeting that would last a while. When the old ladies learned of Mr. Campbell’s decision one of them remarked, “Mr. Campbell will be here within a fortnight.” Mr. Campbell commented at a later time that the meetings he was in were cancelled, and he contacted the elders of the church on Lewis and told them he could come and hold some meetings. Now, it must be remembered that many months of praying had taken place. These elders did not set up all the meetings to begin at a certain time and end at a certain time. No! These men and women prayed as if their life depended on it! Duncan Campbell arrived late at night by boat and he was met by a few of the elders. One of the elders asked him, “Mr. Campbell.” “Do you walk with God?” Mr. Campbell was taken back by the question because he had never in all his days been asked a question such as this. He replied, “I can say that I fear God.” The elder then said, “Well, that will have to do.” Mr. Campbell then assumed that the elders would take him to his room and for the meetings to begin the next day since it was going on toward 11pm. Instead, they took him to the church to speak to the people. When they got to the church, Mr. Campbell stated the he was in shock at all of the people at the church. There was standing room only and others were peering in the windows from outside. There is much more to the story that I don’t have time to record. But let it be said, that people flocked to the church, late at night, many of them weeping. Also remember, that much prayer had gone forth to The Lord for these meetings. I think much about this site and the folks who respond to articles. I believe that I know each one and therefore, have a responsibility to each one. I would ask that each one of us lift the others up to The Lord in prayer. I don’t know your burdens or hardships, but our God knows. In The Book of Ezekiel, chapter 36, and beginning in verse 25, The Lord tells His people what He is going to do in the future and how He will bless them. Please read this to the end of the chapter. But be sure to take special note of verse 37. Oh the wonder of His grace toward His remnant! The Lord says that He is going to do all these wonderful things for his remnant but the remnant are going to ask Him to do it! Maybe The Lord is putting all of this in our hearts so that we seek Him in prayer to do it. “Lord!” “We pray that men will be men.” “We ask that you would put it into their hearts to call upon You.” We pray that you will give the soul thirst for that which matters.” “And Lord, we pray for that which we have read in Malachi 4 and verse 6, that You would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and hearts of the children to the fathers.”
I give up, where are they??????????