Where Are We Relative to the Progressive-Communists ?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Posted by T.L. Davis at 9:04 AM on his blog TL In Exile

We Are Way Behind

The way conservatives always get their butts kicked is that they rely on the persuasiveness of their arguments. They appeal to truth and fact and the irresistible force of logic. Liberals have no such illusions to hold them back. They know that everything they desire needs to be accomplished by deception, so they don’t waste time on rational arguments but appeal directly to emotion to get the support they need. They do not even need to have everyone working toward the same goal as the intent is discontent. The snake, once moving, can be guided by the head.

I am not trying to make a case that conservatives are smarter than liberals, or more dedicated to the truth, we each have our own truths and liberals, I think, in terms of raw intelligence, are smarter than conservatives. One does not have to be very smart to put two and two together and arrive at four, but one must be brilliant to put two and two together and arrive at five. That sounds funny, but think about it for a moment. Their intelligence and the arrogance that comes from it allows them to completely re-work society in their heads and figure out a way to get what they want. All they have to do is be bold enough to lead the moochers and looters, to figure out a way to get them to align with their goals.

There is a dynamic at work in America right now that is frightening. Liberals have already worked out how to appeal to the moochers and looters. The leadership is in the White House with the power of the federal government behind it to supply the ground troops with the necessary funds to mobilize these mobs of angry, discontent moochers. We saw this at the Wall Street protest and others around the nation. They are flexing their muscles. Get the students and other moochers to create the diversion then sprinkle in some union muscle to do the hard work, to shut down opposition and you have a force close to the III% needed to make radical change.

We think of ourselves as that III%, but what if THEY are the III% needed to do the job? Have you considered that? Once they have mobilized, what will be our response? Really? All right, you have seen the exercises taking place, the marching in formation, the target practice taking place on our streets. You have seen the command and control. Their defensive positions are arrayed before you in police cruisers and TSA uniforms. The political groundwork has been established. The Tea Party has been complicit in its own ineffectiveness by a single word RACIST.

The strictly non-violent nature of the Tea Party has already removed them from the field of battle. What good is it to have 50 million cheerleaders afraid to support your cause?

Boys (and girls) we are in serious trouble. Van Jones and Barack Obama have scripted the eruption prior to the election. The resulting civil unrest (assuming we don’t just roll over and allow it) will give them all the power they need to root us (the opposition forces) out and postpone elections until the civil peace can be restored, a thing never designed to happen. Graphic examples of handling these “domestic terrorists” will be televised so that all can see what happens to resisters.

The real trouble is all of us are sitting around thinking that when the time comes we will act, but we won’t. I am convinced of that. I pray it were not true, but I have seen no willingness for the necessary forces to come into alliance that would prevent it. Without the threat of violence the Tea Party is a paper tiger. The III% community (and forgive me for saying this, it gives me no pleasure) cannot overcome its desire for propriety to take the necessary actions to present a real threat, to force its supporters behind it and shove the pretenders out of the way.

While the liberals are consolidating power behind the unions and student activists, the two major forces on the conservative side, the Tea Party and the III% community, are increasingly distancing themselves from each other. A political force (the Tea Party) is useless without an enforcement arm (the III% community). The Oathkeepers won’t even be a factor.

Ultimately, we don’t have the stomach for liberty. If we did, we would be holding our exercises in public, marching our troops HAND IN HAND and preparing for the conflict. We already know the battle plans of the opposition who seem intent on action around October, 2012 the traditional Soviet month of revolt. Poetic, ain’t it? 

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13 years ago

Give me a break, the Liberal description here is exactly the description of NC Renegade’s mission. NC Renegade’s mission in disguise is to mislead from the facts and to prey on people’s emotion of fear in order to obtain its goal, the removal of the President. I do not see NC Renegade attempting to bring the masses together for one common good, but rather spewing fears of discontent and division.

What you have here is the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes.

The goal should be to bring people back together and not to divide.

13 years ago
Reply to  Ghostwriter

A repost of an article by one writer on NC Renegade and this is grounds to discredit the entire site? You must have missed my articles concerning the negative effects of division and my label of “the Divided States of America” and its ramifications. Or the call to unite with the Occupy Wall Street movement. If people read both articles and the Paul Harvey post in between, a different analyis of this site may occur than what you have made.

“spewing fears of discontent and division” applies to the government in Washington and your comment. You could have easily addressed the points outlined in this article with logic instead of attacking the messenger.

As always, my message is that our strength as a nation has always been in our unity (not Unity) and that is the reason that we will only be destroyed by internal enemies. Whether it is financial collapse, insurrection or revolution, division is the key to our defeat.

In the future, please address your concerns with facts.

13 years ago
Reply to  Ghostwriter

Regarding your allegation of division, and a stated desire for unification, I offer you my response to Zero Cool:


Write and post something constructive that provides a philosophical anchor around which folks can join together.

Regarding your request “Give me a break…”

Your disparagement of the mission NCRenegade indicates that you are already “broken” … philosophically.