Where did all the workers go? How are they paying their bills?

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rm p
rm p
2 years ago

One does not need to be a mathematical genius -- although that helps.

The reality is, since 1973 there were over 60 million legal abortions accounted for in the USA: not counting the live births that were snuffed out within the first few hours, and not counting the additional hundreds of thousands of deaths through dislodging of fertilized eggs (human lives) through at-home live-birth destruction methods.

If 60 million additional American citizens reproduced, minimally, 30 million additional people in the first generation… and only another 20 million in the second generation….we are still looking at more deaths (110 million) than Stalin himself was responsible for murdering through starvation and bludgeonings.

With 110 million more citizens, there certainly would not have been need -- or room- for the n.w.o. to inflict upon the USA 40 million illegal migrants of assorted languages and criminal backgrounds
(remember: only the criminals come illegally -- the better candidates for citizenship are still dutifully waiting in line for entry).

With 120 million -- and many more- younger American citizens, both fluent in English and better educated simply because of the family mentorship, we would be a healthier, thriving country with a future.
The n.w.o. tricks would have been resisted. Unlike now.

2 years ago
Reply to  rm p

Peter Zeihan, Geopolitical Speaker, 2015 AgriGrowth Annual Meeting Presentation

Check out Peter’s videos, he nails it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

Better video from Zeihan

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

They’re not paying their bills. Like a lot of folks, they’re just not paying them.

2 years ago

I was prudent (paranoid?) and had my home paid for in my forties. I built it on paid for land. I read Atlas Shrugged in the seventies and Galted out in 2012! The SS is nice but not necessary.

For some of us money is not the answer to life. Now I am just an old hill billy scraping by, doing some odd jobs, under the radar? Yes, I know TPTB read this, but I am too old to be any threat and really don’t care! Lots of other hill billy’s out here, just getting by! Fuxx, m!

2 years ago

Maybe the Welfare Rolls have increased.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Just wondering how all the life insurance companies would square this to their drastically increased claims…
Something like that….

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Funny, they aren’t losing workers in the gubmint employee jobs. No way does anyone leave before that pension kicks in. The only planning they do is deciding whether to work longer than the minimum for the “extra” rate kicks in

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

3 million people in the US are disabled from the “shot”. Other people are out of work because they won’t get the shot. Other people are terrified to go back to work because of the propaganda campaign about the covid. Lot of people are working in the cash underground. Which has actually increased since employers can’t afford Obama care. The population of the US has gone from 190 million in 1965 to about 330 million now. Most of the increase of 140 million is from immigration and their birth rate. Not ours. White people are not breeding in numbers high enough to sustain their demographic. White couples average one White baby per couple. That, my friends, is an extinction event in progress.

2 years ago

I travel to different states and regions of this country for my job. Over the last three years, in many different manufacturing industries, certainly saw it in restaurants and retail, there are help wanted signs everywhere.
I’ve been to predominately White, Black, and Hispanic areas, rural, suburban, and urban; they all have the same problem. Let me add, these mfg. plants pay well, good benefits, yes hot and difficult work environments.
I don’t have answers either. IMHO:
(1) People do not want to work when they can get by on stimmies’, mom / dad funds, or welfare to survive.
(2) People want to work in an clean office, retail, or at home rather than get better pay in mfg.
(3) These are facts from research. Boomers are retiring at 2x the expected rate because of all the BS, woke company policies, Covid shot requirements, and excessive OT. Young people 20 to 35 have higher than average turnover due to quitting for a $1/hr more down the street. All during Covid, people worked from home or were forced to since someone in their family had Covid. Some figured out how to make it on less income.
Perfect storm, then add increased gas cost, to reinforce the problem.
On the other hand, my daughter works in a hospital, she got a huge raise to keep her there. She could not be happier.