As the election process progresses, the candidates devolve into personal attacks. Very little time is devoted to issues or plans. Where is honor? Where are the statesmen who will address reality?
The debates have become cage matches overseen by media choreographers instead of moderators. Ask yourself which candidate in any party will be a “win” for your children’s future.
David DeGerolamo
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There is no honor in the kingdom of men. Messiah Yeshua showed us the way -- the Kingdom of YHWH. Honor is in seeking the Kingdom first. All the things we have need of will be added to us by the Father. This is perfect liberty. This is offered in humility and great respect.
Shalom in Messiah Yeshua, JK
The age of public school education, mothers working rather than caring for the family, and Jerry Springer as afternoon entertainment.
Now tell me which one of those is NOT a product of government?
all roads lead to doom ,I’ve had the conversation with my children letting them know where we are headed . there is much suffering and bloodshed coming to this country and world . GOD help us and make us strong make our hands like steel and our hearts without blame .I will leave my family with the best skills I can give them , and the tools to accomplish those tasks .thanks David for your work and dedication to the liberty of your fellow man .Ok I’m off my soapbox for the moment