Where Is the Leadership Today?


California was considered a bellwether state. The shift to evil since the Reagan years has spread across the country. Our “leaders” are more concerned with power and polls than doing their civic duty. And we are paying the price for their descent and submission to this evil.

Consider the platform that won Donald Trump the Presidency. Securing the border and draining the swamp were two of the main highlights. The swamp was not drained and the Deep State has a death grip on the throat of the nation with pandemic overreach, antifa riots and our children’s indoctrination. The Biden platform is one world order, mandatory masks and a tax policy that would kill what is left of the economy. It appears that our choices are limited to the lesser of two evils.

While riots are openly encouraged by the Democrat Party for their insurgency, good people sit at home and trust in the government to save them. Let me remind you of another speech:


You can buy popcorn and watch the country collapse or you can dedicate your life to a higher purpose. Salvation is a gift from God; saving the country is a duty to God and our children.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Mark Levin

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a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“You can buy popcorn and watch the country collapse or you can dedicate your life to a higher purpose. Salvation is a gift from God; saving the country is a duty to God and our children.”

David DeGerolamo

Have you (and others ) ‘ever’ considered?
Will you consider”
The possibility that in these days and times, God, His will, is not to save this country?
Salvation is not just a material gift. Salvation is not about “saving the country.”
Salvation is an eternal gift.
Children? Whom are Gods children? Just the youth or all of us?

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

i agree. Many are and have been preaching that God does not punish, God does not chastise.
They are misguided.
if we are in this period of correction,(as i believe) “saving this country” may not be the top priority.
i believe we are witnessing a separation of the wheat and the chaff.