Where to Start?

The elections are over so the impact of this video are now moot for our immediate future. Where to start? Stop concentrating on the negative and organize on the positive. We keep looking for the one or two things where we do not agree and use this as an excuse to divide our efforts.

Where to start? Ask yourself what does the American flag mean to you individually. Remember the cost in blood and treasure that was sacrificed to give us Liberty and our natural laws embodied into a Bill of Rights.

The symbolism conveyed by America’s flag has been corrupted by the federal government to become a shroud of evil against the people. My flag represents Sacred honor, virtue and morality. All branches of the federal government now represent the vain and aspiring men that we were warned about.

Where to start? Start by realizing what your personal responsibilities are to your God, family and country. The federal and state governments are not the people; even if they now control the people with unConstitutional laws and executive orders. Once you develop and live by your own moral code, the next steps are clear. Do you have the courage to live and sacrifice your life for Liberty?

David DeGerolamo

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Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago

In case anyone is curious, I transcribed the entire speech here:
