Where to Start?

Possible replies:

  1. I agree, let’s ban police officers. They do not do anything when they are needed.
  2. An Armalite Rifle (AR-15) is not an assault weapon.
  3. If the police were trained, they would have ended the threat before the tranny entered the school.

The deaths of those children and teachers is a tragedy. Imagine if the police had been trained and removed the threat instead of doing nothing other than restrain parents. The truth is that a man suffering from gender dysphoria notified “friends” days earlier of his intent. Imagine if one of them had warned the police.

Possible solutions:

  1. Train and arm teachers – this is a solution that is strongly opposed by Democrats and “educators”. They want the issue to enact gun control.
  2. Eliminate the federal department of education. Put education back under state and local control. Education in this country is indoctrination and the lack of education has corroded our economy, work ethic and morality.
  3. Home school – it is the only safe way to educate your children.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago


Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

A false flag doesn’t mean people died or didn’t die. A false flag is a planned event with hidden agendas. I don’t know whether anyone died or not. I don’t know whether they stood around because they knew there was no shooter or they weren’t willing to help “protect and serve.” Regardless, the agendas swoop in whether staged or not.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

You need to remove your children immediately from the public indoctrination centers. I do not call 9/11 myself, they are after the fact of the incidence. A good majority of the teachers are out to harm your children, the fact is we cannot get armed security into the indoctrination centers. Simply put it is now life or death, the situation is that bad.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I think it’s pretty clear by now, that all Government! Fed, State, Local, IRS, FBI, NIS, DOJ, DHS and the ones we don’t know about, Are domestic enemies of the Constitution! Any good Americans in these organizations must resign NOW!

2 years ago

So many of the teachers have become indoctrinated in college and are now ‘woke’ that many of them would probably refuse to carry a gun.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
2 years ago

“School shooting: add another 12 minutes to the lack of response by the poe-lease!

“The gunman who massacred 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas lingered outside for 12 minutes firing shots at people in a funeral home across the street, before scaling a fence onto school grounds where he fired more shots.”

You know the 9-11 calls started shortly after this started.

Then we have police waiting 90 minutes.

Who gave the “Stand down” order? Dollars to donuts it was the MFFM* that gave and obeyed the order.

*Mother Fucking Free Masons

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman

Keep in mind, Free Mason RINO Globalist Open Border Saw No Election Fraud Texas Senator John Cornyn III has made a special fact finding / photo op trip to Uvalde, Texas. Of course he will not address that the murderer was a mentally ill transgender fatherless and possibly on psychotropic drugs. Cornyn will determine that the gun killed the people at the school, therefore, guns will need to taken from the law abiding people. He also will ignore that fact that the school was a gun free zone and the the cowards in Blue would not go inside the school in order to stop the shooter for approximately 1 hour.
Senator Cornyn will again betray America and Texas by joining with the democrats and RINO republicans to pass more sever gun control laws. Of course Senator Cronyn voted for the $53 billion Ukraine kickback scheme that will results in thousands of deaths. Hypocrite Cornyn peddles death in Ukraine but cries crocodile tears for the people shot by a mentally ill psychopath. Because Senator Cornyn has shown that he is a woke communist globalist my guess is that he does not intend to run for election. People in Texas now know that Senator Cronyn is a traitor. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

ROPE,ROPE,ROPE and any available tree.

2 years ago

They can redeem themselves.
Self Roe vs Wade

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

An assault weapon has the capability to fire fully automatic.

2 years ago

“Home school – it is the only safe way to educate your children.”
Indeed. we’re finishing our second year. If you have children, this is the way!

Elder Son
2 years ago

Sure, the Po-Lice will dress up like Special Forces Operators and call you Civilians and worse. Then, when it’s time to do actual Special Operator stuff… We’re not obligated to protect and serve… because we might get shot.

“They could’ve been shot. They could’ve been killed,” Texas police lieutenant explains why law enforcement did not go into Uvalde school right away.

Fortunately, the BORTAC guy showed up… got shot and took out the shooter.

And as I have said, this isn’t the first time the Po-Lice went on standby for maximum damage.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

However the dual passport secular jews in America want to take the guns from Christian Americans. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!