There are currently 1,006,511 confirmed cases of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) in the United States.
And this is just another statistic. No one doubts that the number of actual cases is much higher. It also appears that a large portion of the population has mild or no symptoms associated with COVID-19.
As for today’s milestone, the response to the disease and the propaganda concerning all aspects (real and manufactured) have become the most divisive issue we have ever faced. Which is why it will continued to be used to divide and weaken us.
David DeGerolamo
cases 1,029,878
deaths 58,640
Seems they figured out the discrepancy was too great, so they cut their inflation while CDC padded the numbers promoted
cases 981,246
deaths 55,258
Betcha don’t dare look.
” It also appears that a large portion of the population has mild or no symptoms associated with COVID-19. ”
Is this new info here?
I’ll just leave this here… as of tonight, it appears that there have been 59,084 deaths from the CCP Virus. One month ago on 28 March 2020, the death toll was 1,900. This means that, using these numbers, 57,184 people have died from the CCP Virus in the last month.
Think I will continue to stay at home and away from everybody, in case this turns out to be a little worse than “just the flu”.
1,006,511 confirmed cases
how many are ACTIVE…and how many have recovered??
Less than 1/3 of the posted numbers (31%) of the confirmed have recovered.