Where We Are II: Law Enforcement

So, let’s get this straight: Are you telling me that the Socialists are going to be allowed to take over the country, with a coup, massive election fraud and treason with China, and destroy the USC? That we know that this is happening and no-one is going to do anything about it? That the administration is unable to do anything about this, and that there is no longer the rule of law applicable to any of these traitors in this country? That given the failure of the administration to act against the coup, that the people themselves are not going to do anything about it either? We are going to rely on ‘lawsuits’ that are clearly not working?


Perhaps this is why, in disbelief, many people believe in ‘4D chess’ and ‘trust the plan,’ because to consider the possibility that they might actually get away with this is incredible.

Nope, no one is coming to save you. Not the lawyers. Only you.


  • Biden Wins Electoral College.
  • Deep State Barr finally fired by Trump.

Does this sound like a man with a plan? His intentions are pure, but he is surrounded by the Deep State. Barr has done nothing to prosecute any of the coup-plotters. Obviously the final straw was when Barr stated that he could not see any evidence of election fraud. Really? Wow.

Well, here is another topic that no one really wants to talk about: Law Enforcement. How do they factor into this coup? Probably, right now, by holding everyone in their respective box, too scared to do anything as the coup continues.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

They’re worried about their jobs AND their lives, just like many on the right.
The difference being, if the dems “win”, they’ll hang them, too. Just after they come after the right. Unless, of course, they do a complete 180 and side with them, which would make them traitors and the right would hunt them down; perhaps first.
I urge Trump to invoke the EO he signed in 2018 AND the Sedidtion Act and go for it!
One way or another, this bullshit HAS to end!

4 years ago


Questions in the article…
Listen to the link provided…
may answer a few of those questions for you.

4 years ago
4 years ago

“They’re worried about their jobs AND their lives, just like many on the right.
The difference being, if the dems “win”, they’ll hang them, too. Just after they come after the right. Unless, of course, they do a complete 180 and side with them, which would make them traitors and the right would hunt them down; perhaps first.”…

Sorry, Hadenough, the (p)Orcs are Already on the ‘side’ of the (((bolsheviks))) as is seen by their “Enforcement” of all kinds of non-Constitutional ‘laws’, and doing NOTHING about the Election Fraud. The Po-Lice are creatures of Habit, and habitually support Those who Pay them.

Like I’ve said before, “Law Enforcement” Exists ONLY to “Serve and Protect” the ‘ruling class’ and the (((moneychangers))). Without the Amoral, Mercenary, Gun-Toting Gang of Criminals, Nobody would Pay Attention to bureaucrats who Violate the Constitution.

If a Restoration of the Republic is even possible, it will come over the dead bodies of the “Praetorian Guard” And their Families.

“Civil War” is Anything But.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

That’s exactly what I was going to say. The police have chosen sides. Yeah they ENFORCE laws, laws made by the legislature. But don’t forget the police are very happy to enforce edicts, mandates, proclamations and decrees (all UNCONSTITUTIONAL) made by despot governors, mayors,and a myriad of un-elected officials. The police are the tip of the spear for the communists. For without the long arm of the law the despots would have no power what so ever. Law enforcement huh. Al Capone had his own enforcement…Called Frank Nitty. Same thing. The police are the Frank Nitty’s of the tin pot governors, mayors, and un-elected chest thumpers.

the Horse
the Horse
4 years ago

LEO’s are regular citizens with a job. If they side with the sorry bastards (they will to keep Mama and the babies fed), then they become part of the problem. They should be dealt with accordingly! The black flag needs to fly!

4 years ago

All that were against treat trestment should be
Should todig the graves a dump the bodies.
Then be tossed in themselves,Into the grave ALIVE

Ingot my local commies in my binder…
Yup, i gots a plan👍🏻