Which “F” Word Represents the Democrat Party

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, pelosi, schumer, for the people, slogan, abraham lincoln, gettysburg address

I guess it depends on how they define the “people”. Since the Democrat Party is cultivating illegal votes, they get a twofer. They are pandering to the illegal aliens and f_cking their legal constituents. It only takes sentience for people to walk away.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

when these idiots came up with there moronic slogan i knew immediately they were using the F word to actually EFF there true white/black/brown/asian legal voters and throw them under the bus which they did in the 2012 and 2016 elections while standing behind all illegal alien felons who dont belong here but are voting in many blue states. So the demon rats are now officially representing illegal aliens and foreign governments and no longer true American citizens of there party. This is a sick and mentally ill party and has now sunk down in to the pits of hades., God hep us if they ever get elected to the presidency again.