While Americans Are Suffering – Senate Passes $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package Expected to Last Five Months, Vote 86-11

The $40 billion UniParty aid package for Ukraine pass the senate this afternoon in a vote of 86-11 (vote tally below).

The Biden administration had originally requested $33 billion, but congress did not feel he was spending enough. The House added an additional $7 billion and passed the $40 billion legislation last week.  Today the Senate voted 86-11 to approve the package which is targeted to last 5 months and includes U.S. taxpayers funding the salaries and pension benefits for officials in the Ukraine government.

11 republican senators voted against the massive money laundering operation. 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

We are being made to pay for this global agenda and and Ukraine is huge part of that.

Madam DeFarge
Madam DeFarge
2 years ago

Congresscritters will be even richer now, repub and demiwit alike, and remember folks: What has the gop done about voter fraud? What has the gop done about the border? What has the gop done about anything? The answer of course is NOTHING, except make themselves richer. The rich elitist enablers, with their bought and paid for congresscritters are the enemies of every law a biding citizen of the world. Down with the elitists, and their families.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

What wont they do for every despot and thug that is line for a handout, just as the illegal invasion at our border is given cash and all the goodies. While the children of American citizens have no baby formula, time to start slitting throats.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

” Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others, I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” Thomas Jefferson.

2 years ago

I’m at my wits end with this never ending funneling of taxpayer money being laundered through Ukraine! We are not the world’s Sugar Daddy! I see an internal civil war arising against D.C!
The only peace I rest in is that I am Not Of This World!

2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

There won’t be a Civil War. People wouldn’t even take their mask off to defend Liberty and they lined up to get an unproven medical experiment. It’s too much to think many would take up arms.

2 years ago

“…let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down.: (H/T to James Taylor).

2 years ago

And my “Conservative” congressman Richard Hudson voted yes. It’s a disgrace.

2 years ago

My Trump endorsed congressman Murphy voted for this and vaccine mandates and the patriot act , etc. and more. Then he wins the primary after he destroyed a combat Green Beret veterans reputation with lies. I am so discussted and my heart cry’s for those who gave their lives and their fortunes to give us our constitution.
The worst of it is that all the So called conservative news and talk shows never talk about this. They only talk about irrelevant BS, by design. Just like the left does. It’s like listening to CNN
Tennessee looks like the only place left to go.