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- Mike Alexander on The First of Hopefully Many
- DRenegade on Looks Like a Terrorist Attack
- 173dVietVet on Looks Like a Terrorist Attack
Ol’ Ka-puta and Crenshaw pulling hard for Massa Rothschild. They sure sound just like whiny leftists. It is scaldingly clear how obstinate a vote can be without the compulsion of the modern vote thieving apparatus. Crenshaw is as grating as a failing wheel bearing.
The only argument I have is who pulls the lever.
Difficult to listen to this BS. And that’s exactly what it is. Also never liked Cavuto. Glad I haven’t had a TV for over 4 years.
I’m aware of the cost, but at this point I’m praying for a civil war. Only way we’re going to fix things.
This should be on a t shirt.
Keep in mind the moment we start a Civil War…China attacks west and Russia attacks the east and southeast with the Cartels attacking our southern border. We’ll know the games in play when China takes out Diego Garcia and Guam.
I agree with Possible Cartel Move(S) and the last sentence.
Not so much the rest.
Something about never stop your enemy …..from self destructing or some such thang.
No--Russia and China are NOT going to attack the USA mainland directly, nor engage us overseas. But, yes the Mexi-cartels are going to go hog wild in the southwest… which will probably be a good thing, because it will give many of the people there a justification for all the ammo reloading and hoarding over the last two decades. The cartels are very good at intimidating and bullying un-armed peasants in Mexico--but when it comes to Arizona, Texas and rural California… and the gun show types and numerous military vets who inhabit these lands, well it’s a different story all together. Tyrannizing some guava farmer in Chiapas is a different animal than going up against someone in Tucson armed with a HK91 or PTR91.
I just wish that this zipper-head Crenshaw would crawl into a hole so I don’t have to look at his pirate face anymore. Talk about RINO’s?!! Jeeze! Who dug this clown up? How does he get reelected from Texas anyways?
Here in California we have more conservative congress-toilet-skid-marksns than this guy elected out of Texas. Come on Texas--what are you people thinking anyways.