WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “Just Shut Up And Listen”

A very unexpected message arrived from the individual so many of you know as White House Insider.  They wanted to talk briefly about politics – namely, the Virginia governor’s race.  Apparently, my earlier article on the subject didn’t quite meet their personal approval.  Here is that message, just received, in its entirety, exactly as it was sent to me, with just one minor omission.

Hey.  Read your write up on the virg. election.  You made some valid points.  You also made some stabs that missed the mark.  Badly.  So just shut and listen.

First, dems are not “cringing in fear”.  Give me a break.  They won Virginia.  Terry will turn that place into an early results election night launch pad for Hillary in 2016.  At least he’ll try to, and will be given plenty of $$$$ by her campaign to get it done.  So you better drop that bullshit line because it’s not true.  I’ll admit it was closer than I thought it would be.  Obamacare rollout is kicking the hell out of the WH right now.  I also think that if the GOP had given up a few more million to the  Cuccinelli campaign, the Republicans might be celebrating a victory in Virginia which would have been a very nice pick up for them.  They dropped the ball though.  They’ll try to say it was about playing smart, or saving cash, but in the end, their job is to help candidates win elections and the GOP didn’t do that in Virginia, and Virginia is always a very important win for either side.


h/t Diana G

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