WHITE HOUSE LOCKDOWN: ‘Non-scalable’ fence and 250 troops


A federal law enforcement source tells NBC NEWS that beginning Tuesday, crews will build a “non-scalable” fence to secure the White House complex, Ellipse and Lafayette Square.

250 National Guardsmen have been put on standby, reporting to Metro Police officials.

Concerned about the possibility of violence and unrest on Election Day, businesses in some areas of Washington DC are boarding up their windows with plywood.



True? No media in the United States is currently reporting on this story. Both sources above are foreign media outlets. No official word for a White House lockdown has been released but there are confirmed reports that the White House is a target after the election.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago


I’m not scared or particularly worried, I live quite a ways from the metro Houston area.
However, I’ve been pretty obvious in my support for President Trump’s re-election, and there are those who have made overt threats against Trump supporters if Joe BiteMe and KamelToe Harris lose in their bid to turn our exceptional Country commie.
Along with ensuring that my firearms are battle-ready, considering the recent history of the fascist anarchists we’ve witnessed in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Philly, Kenosha and other violent and destructive riots, I thought it best to also prepare against the threat of fire.
Those punk-ass hooligan commies think it’s just hoo-rah funny to wantonly burn down people’s hopes, dreams, and futures by slingin’ Molotov Cocktails through windows or any other place they think will cause mayhem.
Considering that, I scored a couple of the largest fire extinguishers rated for liquid fires (gasoline) that I could find to keep in my house.
I doubt I’ll need to use ‘em, but I’d rather have them anyway. If there do wind up being a number of fires, they will likely sell out quickly.

Just sayin’…..

4 years ago

Fire Extinguishers are always a good Idea, the Bigger the Better, but unless you actually have Used One against a Gasoline Fire, you might not ‘master the technique’ the first Time you need it. If you have a friend in the local Fire Company, ask them to Show You, using Gasoline on an Open Surface.

Hand-Thrown Firebombs are essentially a Suicide Weapon, if the Defenders are Armed and ready. Commies don’t seem to be smart enough to build a proper Flammenwerfer, and even the best of those still is Outranged by pretty much any Gun.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

It would be a tough choice, whether to man the fire arm or the fire extinguisher, but I would likely feel compelled to put the fire out first and hope I could catch up to the pinko fascist before they get back to mommy’s house.
Good advice on the fluid fire, but I’ve worked in refineries for over forty years, matter of fact, I’m sitting in one as I type. Not only do I get training on incipient fires, but I get tested annually.
Fortunately, most Molotov’s contain only a small amount of accelerant, if they can’t ignite anything else I think they burn out fairly quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely wouldn’t want one in my house.
Wish I didn’t have to get up to go to work, I’d just do sentry duty all night. Much rather watch a lit “cocktail” fall at the anarchist’s feet as they clutch their newly acquired bullet wound.

4 years ago
Reply to  Guido

Guido --
I don’t have a Link, but I did see a Vid of a commie dropping a Molotov, setting his pants on Fire, and running around Screaming for the better part of a Minute, as his buddies didn’t even try to get him to ‘Drop and Roll’.

And Good for You, working in a Refinery is a lot better place to Learn about Fire Safety- I only encounter Jet-A Kerosene in the Work I’ve done
on Jets, and as Extreme as it got there was climbing into Wings that have sort-of been Drained, and Inspecting and Working on stuff while Fuel drips down your Shirt. Non-Sparking Tools, Explosion-Proof Lights and Vent Blowers rule.

4 years ago

In my opinion, it is in poor judgement to place the National Guard under the direction of the Metro PD, which in turn, is under the direction of the DC Metro PD command structure.
These Guards should be independant of any local control excepting, perhaps, the Secret Service or even the DoD; meaning the president.
Local PDs cannot be trusted as their leadership could be compromised.

4 years ago

Hello, Hadenoughalready

I agree absolutely.
Wasn’t it either the DC Metro boys or the Park Police, (or both?) that chased that Dental Assistant Miriam Carey down and killed her in a hail of gunfire with her young child in the car?
For the capital offense of making a wrong turn into the White House grounds because some slacker neglected to replace a barricade after a previous vehicle left the grounds.
The family’s attorney was not able to even get a copy of the police report. It was during o blo-me’s reign.

4 years ago
Reply to  Guido

I think it was Capitol PD butI’m not certain.
Either way,the DC Metro are the last people I’d leave the Guards in the hands of.