White People are paying Reparations!



Full disclosure: I could not finish watching the trash above. I have two words for you: Molon Labe.

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

Lmfaoo looks like some kids came up with a good t shirt hustle. Hope they have a LLC smh. Too gunny

8 years ago

For too many blacks in American today -- Their gansta rap wanna be culture is destroying their race, while abusing and degrading their girls and women. Their families are fatherless..and gangs fill the deserted role of 2/3rds of their men. Their black on black murder/crime rate is epidemic -- while some scream black lives matter??? Planned Parenthood aborts their babies at an ungodly rate (every pun intended) and they seem to flock to the death clinics. Too many of them have become professional victims and blame race for their personal failures. Too many live multi generational lives of modern day slavery on the liberal -- government -- welfare -- democratic plantation…and vote in lockstep to continue it. Uncounted trillions has already been wasted on social programs that has been sucked down the sinkhole of unappreciated, wasted handouts to too many. The first black president has been a complete and utter failure for the country and for blacks…who I consider a traitor and will go down in history as the worst president of modern times. Their leaders are race hustlers and too many white people are PC idiots for not throwing all of the above back in their faces when they vomit Communist/Racist garbage like this video.

My idea of white guilt is all those white Americans who don’t understand the Constitution or their heritage.

Back to the gun store for more of my idea of reparations.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Well said, Mark! Well said.

Now, if you were to substitute “blacks” for mozlems, you’d see WHY so many turn to islam -- they’re ALIKE.

Unfortunately for them, mozlems hate blacks but blacks refuse to see this. Their so-called “friends” will turn on them in a heartbeat once their necessity wears out.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

And some question why I see wisdom in following God’s handiwork in creating and separating the nations.

Oh by the way, if several TRILLION dollars, thousands of black on White murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, each and every year are not enough the bill cannot be paid.

Lastly, if Whites are as evil as they assert why the hell do they always insist on forcing themselves upon us? I mean, no one I know insists on going to a predominately black school, restaurant, or section of town so why is it they dislike being among their own, refuse to develop their own culture, but rather insist upon taking advantage of ours and paying them to do so?

8 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

Their “culture” is chaos. They don’t like being with their own because they know “their own” suck. They impose themselves on others because there’s nothing they can take from their own.
Just listen to their so-called music (if you can handle the horrors). It’s all about theft, rape, murder, drugs and destruction (just your basic evil). No different than that of the mozlems; sans allah, that is.

8 years ago

“Their culture is chaos.” This is not natural “chaos”, but that specific chaos (anti-orer) which is promulgated by Satan -- father of lies and destroyer of all that does not serve him. And yes, it is functionally equivalent to the cult of allah, that submission to Satan which is and has always been promulgated by and through violence and destruction.

The chaos which is of natural origin, isn’t actually chaos at all -- it is the product of an over-arching Divine order which we cannot quite perceive or comprehend in our current state.

Freaks such as those who present themselves in this video are deserving of the most ugly deaths, by their own declarations; and what they fail to realize is that they will most likely receive said deaths at the hands of their own kind as our society degrades further and faster in these later days.

Because those who cannot find it in themselves to be civil, in the midst of an otherwise civil society, will be the most obscenely violent and destructive when that civil society which supports and cares for them, finally collapses, under the dead weight of the lazy, and the attacks of the contemptuous.

These parasites lack even the rudimentary capacity for logical thought necessary to recognize that, when the host dies, so do those whose only sustenanace comes from sucking out our lifeblood…even though it be but “one drop at a time”.

Those natural consequences which come are irresistable and unavoidable; and we shall all face them… but those who have embraced evil as completely as those depicted above shall be consumed by a horror of their own unique creation.

Even so, come quickly Jesus.

--and for those who would put words in my mouth: No, “parasite” does not mean “black person” or “minority person” as I have employed it, so don’t even try such any such false claim.

In it’s proper employ, the word “parasite” has a very clear and functional definition -- those organisms which draw their sustenance directly from a host organism without that organism’s consent (or ability to refuse) are parasites. Fleas, ticks, leeches, intestinal worms, and etc. are the functional examples of parasitism in the animal kingdom.

In the society of man, parasites are those who produce nothing of value, but who draw their sustenance from the host society without (or against) its consent -- so a beggar is not a parasite, because those who give alms do so voluntarily; but those who live on welfare, or who receive a paycheck from the government for administering or executing political fiat to which the populace does not consent, ARE parasites, because the income which sustains them is taken from the populace without it’s consent and against its will, through various means of taxation, both overt and covert.

8 years ago

You guys do realize that blacks are not a monolithic group and that ALL people are of mixed heritages, that all blacks are not african Americans, right? Like for example Prezy Obama your African and European president. Smh.

Average Joe, God as you chose to call him watched humans at the very beginning of your bible use the stone that broke Ables skull and killed him while Cain’s hid and ran with his bloody hand for murderer.ing his brother. So not nice.

As I carry the colour black, I also carry the white blood of my ancestors, the conquistadors contributed to my Spanish DNA while all the other pirates, slaves and opportunistic merchants who landed in the Carribean added their manly spermatozoa to the real second class citizen on earth. Woman.

Unfortunately nothing can ever be enough reparations for me. I find all my bloodlines to include blacks and whites to be quite disturbing, distasteful, ignorantly and stubbornly petty and primate like. Nothing would pay for having to be born to any of your cultures.

Oh, Mark honey, go gather your guns, because you sure will need them when them RNC and DNC come a calling with their militarized police battalions that they had perfect their skills on poor black and whites alike. They are all armed up for you guys,

They closed 160 plus Walmart stores to hold all you disgruntled people who want your jobs back from China. I can guarantee it won’t only be the blacks being locked up in them camps.

Did you see them fire 12000 perfectly good white people from Intel today? We are used to being slapped around and treated like crap. Even The Donald can’t save you, Sanders offers more madness,, it’s over. Lmaoo they fucked us all, not once or twice but for thousands of years. Each time we get smart enough they bomb us back to the Stone Age, so stupid niggaz and rednecks can again become the labor force of the elites.

Goodnight gents, just remember the day may come when you need someone who can shoot a gun to cover your asses in a battle with your true enemies. The black pawn is removed from the board but so is the white King, it is the chess master that rules the game. Uhuru! Which means freedom.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rani

“God as you chose to call him watched humans at the very beginning of “your bible” use the stone that broke Ables skull and killed him while Cain’s hid and ran with his bloody hand for murderer.ing his brother. So not nice. ”

so Rani… who is your God!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I don’t pretend to know. I know I’m a human who is soft and fleshy. I do not presume to know my maker.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  Rani

You will never know HIm if you continue to reject His Word.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

Lol. It’s a him?? My son thinks he’s a lesbian with a huge erection in a gay bar.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

Believe what you want, but in the end:

Philippians 2:10-11

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

8 years ago

“white jews” in Hungary?
In their brainwashed and confused brains they continue to accept this “slavery” bait screed that has been implanted in their heads, to cause dissension and friction amongst their people, all the while deflecting the true culprits of their “slavery”, which has been their OWN BROTHERS selling them off for profit as a trade!

They hear something “juicy” and never question its validity or its roots and real origins of reason.
They are now useful for our present world governments to use to repeat whatever agenda they need to spread like a virus, to gather social strength for the agenda by means of propaganda.
The SS knew these tactics so well. There is no difference in what is being used here with these brothers and sisters. They, and those that buy into this screed and suffer from the slave guilt of their forefathers are now culturally brainwashed and are themselves perpetuating in their own enslavement due to their lack of discernment!
Wake UP! Enough is enough!

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  watcher

The white Jews from Hungry thing they did not make up. There are those that believe the African blacks are the Hebrews of the Bible. The people from Europe that claim to be Jews are just impostors. I heard this quite a while ago. I personally believe that they were olive skinned for the most part. But it does not matter to me what color Jesus was.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

Yes. The Jamaican Rastafari call themselves the real Jews also. I do not know the truth of who are true Jews. I love history. The saying is that the victors get to write the stories. Lol. I only know that all the stories show how humans who are culturally different are often suspicious and antagonistic towards each other. Apparently from hunter gathering times. Apparently when agriculture of wheat and pastured animals became the norm, slaves were taken from others tribes to facilitate the need for stationary lab out forces.

As for Jesus’s colour, I don’t know but, writings found in the 1950s The Dead Sea Scrolls, give a completely different picture of what he thought and how we attain glory.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rani

The Dead Sea Scrolls enhance our knowledge of both Judaism and Christianity. They represent a non-rabbinic form of Judaism and provide a wealth of comparative material for New Testament scholars, including many important parallels to the Jesus movement. They show Christianity to be rooted in Judaism and have been called the evolutionary link between the two.

8 years ago
Reply to  watcher

Wake up yourself. There is and was slavery and a great amount of whites are and were slaves. Smh.

8 years ago

You are confusing my reaction to -- Too many blacks -- I accurately described in my post (after watching the communist/raciest crap in the video) I never implied my list of their failings covered all black Americans no matter their past, present or DNA make up. But it does cover TOO MANY.

I have already fought alongside black Marines, bled and killed Communists with them, I bear scars on two limbs and in my scalp from fighting our common enemy…the greatest threat to the world of the 20th century…and I will never forget helping carrying my dead black team leader in a poncho for hours Easter Sunday 1969 -- who had the top of his head blown off…he was an outstanding brave Marine…and had taught me many lessons that helped save my life.

I’ll never forget my HS prom in 1967 when me and my best friend (who was black) entered the receiving line with switched girlfriends and doing our oriole opening dance with each others girlfriend to make a statement to everyone. That may not sound like much now…but in 67 it was a huge scandal and both some whites and some blacks didn’t like it…piss on them…me and Jimmy had a race blind friendship.

If you think I am not aware of the what Jade Helm, the Walmart’s FEMA camps, the impending economic collapse and probable coming 2nd Civil War means…and how I have prepared to make my stand you are the one wearing rose colored glasses…not me. I have had Marines shot on both sides of me twice and wore three Purple Hearts on my chest back in the day -- my salvation is assured and if I have to die defending my home, way of life, and the oath I took to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic…including militarized police battalions…all I can say is trying to pack me off to a FEMA camp or take my guns is going to be real expensive. I’m no mall ninja…and there are millions of veterans and civilians like me ready willing and able to live free or die. I was already an extra in a real life Mad Max movie and I’ll be one again if I have to be.

I welcome any American of any race, color, creed, religion, and DNA mixture to stand with me and provide mutual covering fire against all enemies of the Constitution. Take me at my word for that as I have the weapons, ammo, gear, experience, to do just that. The clowns in the video that started this thread would be a light snack…millions of men and woman like me would eat their lunches and pop their lunch bag in their spoiled, entitled, brainwashed, idiot faces.

What makes you think I need Donald to save me? I helped draft Ben Carson after he decimated Obama at the Prayer Breakfast and I sent Carson a monthly check until he dropped out. I saw Carson as a man who would be the anti-Obama and had the capability to unite the country and the races. It’s too bad he stumbled on some issues -- I read all his books -- he would have done what Obama said he was going to do and didn’t, he would have been President of all of U.S.

I live on a self-sufficient homestead/compound with an endless source of water, a huge garden, animals, stocked fish pond, orchard, root cellar, and solar coming soon. When TSHTF I will stand and take on all comers with the small armed tribe I am gathering. Maybe you will end up in a FEMA camp and be glad to be there…but not me or my family.

Rani, please don’t call me Honey…Mark will do.

PS: I have known many black woman who I admire -- had one as an assistant in the corporate world for years before her promotion. Their determination as single mothers to raise their children right has impressed me. They are the backbone of their race at this point in time…too many black men have abdicated their roles. Jewels in the crown and all that destructive irresponsible bad behavior.

Big Jim Easter Sunday 1969

The green sweat towel
covering what was left of his head
kept sliding off
then the swarming flies would dart in
for tiny morsels
of his gooey exposed brain

Now ya is green and ah know ya is scared and nervous, all Nicky
New guys is…so I’m gonna stay up with ya on your first couple
of watches, kinda break ya in on the gun and a lotta other shit.
ole Big Jim takes care of his Marines, you’ll see.

six of us has a handful
of the sagging poncho
like silent grim pallbearers
we strained and grunted
with the weight of his massive corpse
stumbling and weaving our way
through chest high swaying elephant grass
exhausted, weary from battle, still numb

Ah, doan know, man I jis doan know! These crazy mohfuchas gonna
get us all kilt! Mark, you an Pillie start digging the gun pit
behind that paddy dike, ole Luke the Gook gonna pay us a visit
tonight for sure, … shee-it!

after two hours
we finally staggered into our base camp past the acres of barbed wire
the maze of zigzagging trenches
and the squat sandbagged bunkers
there was a jeep waiting,
two Marines from Graves Registration
and one green plastic body bag

I doan know about ya’ll, but when I get my sorry ass home and
out of this mother green killing machine, NEVER, EVER, gonna
leave again…no sir! Musta been crazy leaving my fine ole
lady and my sweet little girls…good Lord do I miss ‘em!

the squad stood in a half circle
silently staring at their dead corporal
the body bag was zipped open
gently, he was slipped in
one man started to sob
the jeep pulled away in a cloud of red dust
I scanned the eight Marines walking away
Who would be next?

it didn’t take long to find out.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Big Jim died fighting the war of the colour blind enemy who uses men of all colors and caliber to shoot all caliber of weapons. What a shame. What a waste. Never made it home to his sweet wife or girls,

On the youth video that started this thread, those are our kids. The adults of all cultures are responsible for the miseducation of all our children.

On incarceration of black men, with gangs replacing families. That is very true, however black men who built this country with their blood and sweat and tears didn’t just wake up and become criminalized.

Every man was once a child. Every story has a beginning. The story of slavery did not begin in the Americas and continues today. America is a country on a small planet.

Mark, It isn’t my intention to create more strife, words like honey, darling, sweetheart come off my brain as naturally as you hold your gun. I will not call you honey lol. Honestly, so minor an endearment could do us all some good.

As for Dr. Ben Carson, he is a piece of work. No he couldn’t bring the county together anymore than Obama did. Do you not realize that Dr Carson is a black man that most blacks despise?

On the constitution…. The constitution wasn’t constructed for either blacks or white men or women. It was a construction by men for wealthy oligarchs tired of living in a monarchy. Nothing to do with one living American today. It is an excellent document on human right and principles that work but we’re not intended for the common man.

On guns and self protection. While an eye for an eye makes us all blind, a gun for a gun will leave us all dead. Yes like every thing under the sun there is a need for guns. (I have the also) but guns aren’t the answer.

On civil war. We are hell bent on having one. The Rothchilds, and Rockefellers are ahead of us there too. Unlike the common man who fights in armed combat, the old boys don’t touch a gun. They have actually unleashed their prized products on us. While we try to blow each other apart they have released the small and deadly African Zika (among others) on us. It’s not African Americans that are coming to get you but biowarfare..

Mark, I too am prepared for when TSHTF except for solar. Lol. Maybe we can buy it in bulk from China…

Good luck in your endeavors.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

I wish they would come to my house to collect. I really wish they would.

8 years ago

Yea, they better stay in the blue bubble-head cities in North East Lost Liberal Land, the Left Coast, and the collage re-education camp safe zones with that nickle and dime whine…

8 years ago

We all need a left and a right to load our guns. We need a left and a right to have balance. The problem isn’t left or right, it’s us humans.

8 years ago


Big Jim enlisted in the United States Marine Corps for a lot of reasons…one was to get out of the Southside of Chicago…he had 4 daughters under 10 when he died. He died fighting Communism and he knew who Jesus Christ was and what He had done. I’m no fan of War – in fact I despise it having lived it, but until the Prince of Peace returns and removes the curse it will be continuous on this fallen earth…I’ve read His book and the ending…it’s about to get worse than ever. One day I’ll see Big Jim again and get to thank him for taking care of me when I was a Nicky New Guy and teaching me about booby traps, and snipers, and how to use the M-60. Because of the way he treated me I passed it on to a bunch of other Nicky New Guys when it was my turn to lead.

As far as the collective responsibility of the miss-education of the youths on the video, I disagree. Their world view is obviously radical, will embitter and haunt them throughout life. The individuals responsible for poisoning their minds are accountable…not all of U.S.

Your right about black criminalization it didn’t happen overnight: slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, generational wrongs that were coming to a head in the 60’s. When I was a boy the black family and work ethic were rock solid in spite of generational wrongs and then the Democratic Great Society – War on Poverty – Welfare – Government Housing Projects – Planned Parenthood murders, Gansta Rap self-inflicted cultural wounds, black on black crime, drugs, gangs, teachers unions trapping kids outside of vouchers, race hustlers, slowly chipped away at the black family structure until it crumbled and the criminalization of black men became epidemic. Who’s to blame? That one is probably wide and deep: here is what some other blacks think:


Sweetheart…I am now OK with Honey!

I’m not saying guns are the answer but the 2nd amendment will ensure all the others….and they will protect you and your loved ones from the wolves and bastards everywhere. If you’re interested read Violence is Golden by Jack Donovan, he has articulated the subject better than I could.

As far as Ben Carson the general black reaction to black Conservatives just confirms my suspicions too many blacks are lost in or invested in unending victim-hood. Carson isn’t perfect but he has a tremendous life’s story. After I read his book One Nation I became a dedicated supporter. If he would have become the 2nd black President of U.S. he had the potential to unite U.S. Let’s see: raised in poverty by a single Mom (one of those who I admire for grit and determination) overcame an anger problem, fought, scratched, and clawed his way up through academia, medical school, became an internationally renowned Brain Surgeon, stood at the Prayer Breakfast in DC and stripped away Obama’s ideology to the bone to his face (was immediately audited by the IRS twice) ran for President and gathered a lot of support…despise??? Who are their heroes Sharpton? Jackson?

http://conservativeblackchick.com/ How do you feel about Crystal Wright?

We have some common ground on hating the Banksters I am a long time vocal enemy of the greedy puppet masters (I don’t know about the virus angle). I have divested most of my assets out from under their soon to be Bail-In control/theft as the greatest transfer of wealth will soon be upon U.S.

http://www.ranker.com/list/republican-and-african-american-or-the-black-republican-list/famous-conservatives -- Here are some outstanding Americans who aren’t looking for reparations.

God Bless Reni

Here is another poem on a black Marine buddy I’m pulling out of an old dark corner of my memory.- All gave some…some gave all -- we were all green Marines:


He came from the green hills
of Tennessee
and that’s what we called him
short and muscular
with skin the color of coffee and cream
bright coal black eyes
a wide easy smile
and a slow confident walk

One day in the bush
we became foxhole buddies
over a prized can
of Dinty Moore Beef Stew my Mother had sent me
and I’d been saving;
we crouched in the gun pit
brown juice dripping off our chins
C-rat fruit cocktail for dessert
hot coffee in our canteen cups
and two Hav-a Tampa Jewels!
the jungle feast was complete
our friendship was sealed

The patrols, ambushes, snake bites, killer teams,
sweeps, operations and search and destroys
slowly passed
in a parade of fear, physical misery and boredom
adrenaline and gore
and occasionally
we’d visit one another’s fighting hole
for a jungle feast.

The mortars came out of nowhere
exploding everywhere
heaving the earth up
into geysers of screaming shrapnel
in minutes it was over
and then I saw him
rolling and withering and gasping
on ground soaked red
by his blood

The corpsman worked furiously
to stem the flow
of the life pouring our of Tennessee
but he lay there dying
begging for the morphine
that quickly numbed
his last moments of pain and terror
I offered him a cigarette
and words of encouragement
he didn’t answer and I didn’t believe
then in a drug induced coma
he drifted off to death
and we gently wrapped him in a poncho
and silently carried him to the chopper

I walked away, a zombie Marine
grim and sad and scared and confused and weary and so old
secretly ashamed
of my relief for still living
sitting in the gun pit
eating alone
trying not to feel
trying not to think

8 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Mark, I’m at work. I’ll respond to that very eloquently written piece ASAP. As for the poem, it is heart wrenching and while I can never understand what you and your men went through, it gives me insight on how it must scar a man to live while helplessly watching his brother in arms die. Very heroic, very sad, very real.

8 years ago

Soon enough -- they will.

8 years ago

Well stated, LT. I can’t even add to that except to remind folks that “parasites” come in all shapes and sizes. Some are even insects…

8 years ago


Take your time…thanks for the feisty dialogue/opinions and the outlet of two dusty 40 something year old poems.


8 years ago

Greetings Mark, I am so glad to hear that you are aware of the impending financial doom approaching Americans. No one listens to me.

Yes I like Crystal Wright. She’s a pretty smart woman. I am in agreement with many of her views.

Take the difficult and controversial matter of abortion. In 1979 I had my first son, I was pregnant again by summer of 1980. My relationship with my man (not husband) was rocky to say the least and Roe vs. Wade had allowed for abortions. I planned to abort my second child. I was 8 weeks pregnant with a 6 month old baby, had just gone through a Schenectady NY winter, with no money, and no oil to heat my home at one point for 3 days. The not so gentleman at the oil company when I cried to him that I had an infant, said “that’s not my responsibility” The morning of my abortion, I left my first son with my mom, drove myself to the hospital and waited until they called my name, I got into the gown and waited in the small room with lockers thinking of the child in me that I wanted but didn’t think I could afford. The nurse came and got me and directed me to sit on the operating table, “put your feet up on these stirrups” she said it almost in a singsong voice, very cheery and I followed her directions. Next she strapped my ankles and smiles, just like it was yesterday, I can remember her voice, “there we go, all ready” as I lay there in the same exact poison I had laid in just 7 months before. The doctor and a second nurse came in. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the tears in my ears as he touched my shoulder softly he said “are you ready?”. It was to be one of the hardest questions I’d answered in my short yet eventful 24 years. I said I don’t want to, can you let me up please? They did. I named my baby boy Imani DeJesus. Faith of Jesus. Today my son is 35 years old and he is a remarkable man of vision, power, strength, dete, principles, values and a heart of putty for even a mouse, that he will release from a sticky trap into the woods but if he had to would eat it to survive. It is he who will be protecting our entire neighborhood as he did this past winter when everyone was freezing after the ice storm took out its electricity. He cut wood for those with fireplaces and piggybacked extension cords to our closest neighbors. He used the propane heaters and the smaller generator for some as well. My boy!
But that’s not the beautiful end to an abortion story. At 2:43am on November 1st. After I had asked the higher power who makes and takes life to grant me a favor. I asked for my first son, to not die on 10/31/1999, you see Mark, Cronan Maliki (sent from God) was dying of Hodgkins Lymphoma, and I didn’t want him to pass on Halloween. My son was dead at 19 and his 17&1/2 year old brother whom I had planned to abort, held me up.. Not for just the services but to this day.

So, do I think abortion is wrong? Yes I do think it’s wrong. Do I feel that other women should chose as I did? Yes I do, where I differ is this from most is this, each woman must look into herself and chose her own destiny, she must chose if she will carry her child to term and then raise it to the best of her ability. Should she choose to abort her child, she by law has that right, she has to live with her choices and meet her maker. It is man’s law, a construction by which a woman is given the right to remove a fetus with heart beating from her womb. I found it impossible to do but I am unable to make judgement on the actions of another. It wasn’t my only encounter with the choice either. In 1989 I was 33 and pregnant. I had 3 wonderful boys and abortion was the furthest thing from my mind, I was hoping for my girl! I was told I had to have blood drawn to check for genetic disorders often seen in women over 30. Two days later, I get results that say The fetus is at risk…further testing that requires amniotic fluid they said…or if I wanted I could opt for an abortion…by the time the results came back I’d be 20 weeks they said…choose. I chose and the day I got my call from the neonatologist telling me my child was health and a girl..I danced my pregnant ass around that kitchen. That girl now 26 and she can drive a backhoe, or tell you about an articulated machine better than most men. My girl!!

Sharpton and Jackson are opportunistic men who have sold out the black race in exchange for black bourgeoisie status. For 40 years they led their people like piped pipers to this sad day. Both hang on to the coat tails of revolution while pandering to the oligarchs. Sigh!

Long night, not going to spell check,,, we may chat again.

May the most high bless you as well sir.

PS: you should pull out your poems and read them to young veterans, you would give them the understanding that they aren’t alone but more you could help them to put express their hidden pain and see that even after such horrific experiences you have remained strong.

8 years ago

Your story is heart wrenching and elating at the same time. Thanks for posting it.

While I agree that choices, such as yours, are yours, alone, I must also state that, rather than deal with the consequences AFTER the ACT, why not prevention BEFORE the ACT? Is life that meaningless?

In my humble opinion, and as a father of 4 (1 adopted), we, too, were poor. But the thought of murdering a child, for the sake of money, was reprehensible. Unconscionable. Are we not supposed to better than our animal counterparts?

This where I have a problem with abortions. We have the means. Why do people prefer to murder, and that’s what it is, pre-meditated murder, than to take a pill or don a prophylactic? This is not a condemnation. This is a legitimate question; perhaps rhetorical.

I commend your decisions and respect the choices you’ve made.

8 years ago


I have to leave, just popped on…read and was enthralled by your story…will re-read it later and get back to you…thanks for sharing…moved.


8 years ago

People are products of their environment, @Hadenoughalready, if your own life isn’t worth much then the life inside you means nothing. If dysfunction occurs all around you and you have no supports or values instilled from youth, you just don’t care. These are the behaviors of all colours. Were it not for my strong grandmother, chances are my choice would have been to mutder my child. As for why people don’t use birth control or self control has me baffled too, but in a world where sex and sexuality sells everything, when was the last time you saw a birth control or prophylactic ad? Have you listened some of the music all the colours listen to?
I have to go… But will add to this later.

Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  Rani

“People are products of their environment”

I would agree to that to a certain age for some people (I have some family examples that I could get into). There is a time where we all know that what we are doing is wrong and that we need to change. Then they have no excuse.

Everyone can change if they want to.