Maduro firing on Venezuelans. This is what happens when your government disarms you.
— Sassafrass84 (@Sassafrass_84) July 30, 2024
The democrats want your ar's. Then they'll go for all guns.
Never give up your guns. Prime example right here. 👇
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Ah schucks. Those LEO’S/badge wearers are “just doing their job”. Check your brains and morals at the door and “just do your job”.
There’s a reason pigs become pigs.
Firstly, the ridiculously unnecessary screaming was promoted by teargas canisters detonating. Secondly, the body is already laying in the road (face down) and stared at well in advance, by whomever recorded the video, before any shots are heard, and numerous ‘protestors’ can be seen milling about in the open without concern.
I have two words for the people in Venezuela… “Molotov Cocktail”
Kamel Toe wants to disarm us with an executive order if she becomes the next president. It will open up a shitstorm that will never be put down. We are everywhere. Behind every blade of grass!