Ayn Rand’s prescient vision of the Communist takeover of the United States continues. The crops rotted because the powers that be decided to redirect rail traffic for their own personal profit. Whether you have read Atlas Shrugged or not, today is a good day to start reading.
David DeGerolamo
h/t WRSA
They are long reads but worth it.
Let us ask the one true God to give us the courage to wipe this evil off the face of the earth.
Once you start reading you will notice in shocking disbelief how accurate it is to the events unfolding today. Another very good prophetic book is “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, surprisingly accurate to todays events. Another suggestion would be “Devils Advocate” by Taylor Caldwell (1956), And as long as I’m at it, when the elitist sum ruining the country now manage to implode it and everything git stands for I might suggest the series “World Made By Hand” by J. H. Kunstler, which , in my opinion, is more of a how to reconstruct your world series than an actual series on the world as we know it ending. Food for thought, and it’s a lot more fun and interesting than watching the powers that be on a daily basis destroy everything around you.
“This Perfect Day” was a book I read in the early 70’s. The population was controlled by a computer, and given injections on a regular basis to control them.