There seems to be a question of whether John Hanson was a Moor from Africa which would make him the first Black President. Maybe we should use this hidden fact to help heal the nation since the current cancel culture represents the founding fathers as white racists. I am curious why the Presidents under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union are not recognized in any fashion.
David DeGerolamo
“I am curious why the Presidents under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union are not recognized in any fashion.”
My theory is that no one -- then or since -- would admit that we were far better ‘governed’ under the Articles of Confederation.
Maybe they do not want to admit that the Constitution is not a valid foundation for the Republic based on an overthrow of the existing government. And yet, people want a Constitutional Convention to fix certain issues.
I think both of you need American history lessons. Than you would both find out why the Articles of Confederation was an unworkable document
I agree that the Articles were not perfect which is why 12 of the 13 colonies met to discuss improvements. The logic to “fix” a government then was to meet and address them. Instead, the government was abandoned and a new government proposed. This is the same logic being proposed as a Constitutional Convention.
Or are you saying that the Constitution is a workable document that never needed amendments?
Tucson, I would suggest that it is you that needs “American” history lessons. “American” history is not the same as “U.S.” history.
For instance: The Articles of Confederation are still in effect. They created a Corporate Charter to allow the unincorporated Federation (The United States of America) to function in international commerce (commerce being trade between two or more incorporated entities). It was rolled into the first of three subcontractor agreements with the Paris Peace Treaty after our victory on Land (but not Sea) over the Crown.
As a result, we authorized three subcontractor agreements/charters, delegating certain powers in different areas. Each subcontractor got a Contract (Constitution, which is nothing more than a service agreement/debt agreement).
They are:
The Constitution for the united States of America (Federal Subcontractor) 1787
The Constitution of the United States of America (British Territorial Subcontractor) 1789, Jurisdiction over Territories, High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, ran and runs the “U.S. Navy” (yes, “our” Navy is run by the Brits)
The Constitution of the United States (Roman Municipal Subcontractor) 1790, created the independent city state known as the “District of Columba/Isis/Astarte/Ashtoreth” from land temporarily loaned by Virginia and Maryland to serve as a meeting place for the various subcontractors. Run as a plenary oligarchy as authorized by their constitution, formalized by the Residence Act of 1790.
Our Federal subcontractor was rendered inoperable in 1861 with the commencement of the unlawful mercenary conflict fought between the other two “Civil” branches of government (Territorial and Municipal), and was never reconstructed, since only the actual states (rather than any “State of State” business organization) could bring it back to function.
The two remaining subcontractors, through fraud and guile, hijacked our actual government, stole our identity, racked up our credit cards, and declared “bankrupcty” in 1906 (which should have been a clue, an actual sovereign government cannot go “bankrupt”). They have been pulling the same fraud every couple decades: boot up another “Incorporated sound-alike business entity” to access our credit, run up the debts, kill off a few hundred thousand of their creditors (Americans) in mercenary conflicts, and then charge us for the cleanup.
To make matters worse, they started mis-identifying us as “U.S. Citizens” (Brits from Puerto Rico) or worse “citizens of the United States” (Roman slaves born in D.C.) as babies in their cradles. These U.S. Citizens have no constitutional guarantees, since they were creations of the Constitutions, not parties to them.
Fraud vitiates all it touches, and if a subcontractor is unable to perform due to bankruptcy (Territorial branch declared bankruptcy in 2015, Municipal in 2017 and closed on November 5th 2020), the powers delegated to them return to the Principal by operation of Law. That’s us, the actual Americans. We ran our own country and mowed our own lawns for almost 11 years before delegating anything to subcontractors (two of them foreign). And we are back and in-session.
It’s high time everyone that was actually born here picks up a shovel and helps dig us out of this mess. Declare your status as an American (not a “U.S. Citizen”) and reclaim all your Constitutional guarantees. They never went anywhere. You did.