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1 Kings 18:18
“I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals.
The false god which Ahaziah sought to inquire of was Baal-zebub, which means literally, “Lord of the Flies.”
Most people believe Obama is in his third term as president. Whoever is controlling the destruction of the nation and the successful overthrow of the Republic may not be known at this time. However, I am sure that evil is controlling the souls of these traitors.
David DeGerolamo
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Yes, I believe Obama and the rest of his ilk are running the country. It did not take long to destroy did it.
I peg the end of America started in earnest with JFK’s assassination and the Hippies cut their hair and started teaching in College’s and Universities.
Yes sir.
Tom, I detest each and every one of them along with the S-Bag federal Leo’s who are their protectors of their filth and WICKED perversions. the day is fast approaching they will all get what they deserve and when it comes there will be no place for them to run and hide.
These are demons that have manifested themselves in these humans to change them into non-human entities, SO, I REBUKE ALL OF THEM IN THE NAME OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR!!!
Amen Phil, Amen.
Definitely Obama. He is evil. But there are others giving him orders.
Obama is a stuttering fool that managed to become a no name senator from a failed state. He is not the mastermind ring leader, but was inserted into the white house and controlled by the same group that is controlling “joe biden”. I have taken to calling them The Star Chamber in reference to the movie and concept of an untouchable non elected bureaucratic body running the show. The biggest component of it being the spooks at Foggy Bottom.
It doesn’t matter to me who is controlling our destruction as a nation, or why, there is but one solution!
The gay kenyan is clearly the puppet master of the resident of the white house. I have one guess as to who is puppet-mastering sotero.
It is not a guess Hound, satan is a sodomite.
The fag Kenyan Muzzzzzlim
There is NO “Biden Regime”. This is ALL theater because the “people must be shown and not just told” what the enemy’s Plans for the U.S. are/were. He repeatedly would say “Enjoy the Show” as this commenced. All his words have meaning. ALL are either:
~ actors (there are 5 known actors for Biden alone)
~ others have agreed to follow the script as patriots or for future clemency or are actors posing as those who are arrested or died (Biden is the latter)
~ President Trump has been calling out many as “from Central Casting”--a major acting studio as reveals to us. Just listen to recent talks he’s given. Recently he called out Tom Hogan (former DHS Director) as from Central Casting. The list is long.
~ many events are staged and professionally produced or green screens are used (often the case for Zelensky)
~ numerous countries are in cooperation with the White Hats in this and much is real such as the recovery of children and others in tunnels of human trafficking and taking down enemies of mankind
~ the financial crisis is the PLANNED takedown for forever of the corrupt Federal Reserve Bank and to bring in precious-metal backing of all currency across the world that will have the same value worldwide (no more 15,000 dinars for a loaf of bread); all the stolen and confiscated gold, artifacts, gems, etc, from nations has been recovered and returned to nation states to back they new currency
The United States has been functioning under the Continuity of Government (COG) since January 2021 and under it they named Donald Trump as the President- figurehead, and the U.S. military appointed him to continue as the Commander-in-Chief.
I wonder if the invasion of the US was slowed down today? There was a 6.6 earthquake near the Derrien Gap at the bottom of Panama. Shallow.
The Power Behind the Throne
Author: Larry Romanoff
The legitimate 13th Amendment, ratified in 1819 and never repealed
would get rid of a lot of scum as it is the legal 13 Amendment.
The Missing 13th Amendment: *No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office*
The Ringleader behind all of this is…the others are expendable:
wasn’t it the kenyan that said he wanted a pliable person in the office of president and a black woman for vice president?
Obama is just the face for a larger evil corrupt human beings claiming to be Americans.
The Pig is nothing more than a black racist sodomite communist run by the Chinese/Russians and Soros, and to top it off Larry Sinclair just came out and said he gave him B.J.’s in the white house and then Sotero the sodomite went back the next day and did it again. this is the type of satanic filth that has run our nation into the ground along with his transvestite husband and still running it now. I pray to good Lord that he takes their lives because this D.C. crowd are all laden with demon infestations and inculcations of fallen beings.
Obozo The SCOAMF is NOT the person pulling Biden’s strings. He was and is every bit the puppet the Pedo Joe is. He answered to Soro’s minion Valerie Jarrett. Who Joe is controlled by is a bit harder to suss out but it’s NOT the ShitStain Kenyan.
you are right Jarret it there ace in the hole Iranian scumbag Islamic maggot. but Jarret and Soros also must answer to the Rothchild khazarian jew satanist maggots. but in the end, all these putrefied scumbags answer to Satan and his fallen being army. Isn’t it interesting how no one in the media nor the WOKE bureaucracy as well as the republican party never ever speak of the Islamic satanist bitch Jarret at all, it’s like she is shielded with Teflon and does not exist when all the time she is running everything from Obama’s SODOMITE WHORE HOUSE in Washington DC