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LIAR,How do we know, the son of bitchs’s mouth is moving.
Obiden to give pilot who shot down ballon medal of honor.
Tom, I’m surprised it wasn’t the Ukrainian Iron Cross.
The Chi-Comms will demand whatever we recover be immediately returned, and Trader Joe will obey his master’s instructions.
(((who))) is running this country ??
I have no idea (((who))) are running this country.
But I do know it’s the same people (((who))) are running China
Hahaha (((we))) run you too goi boi. Every advertisement your family watches every product they want sooo badly all your entertainment all your kids entertainment and education. Is provided by the athiest Jew. Why do you people participate and then complain about it? When I say you and your I mean society as a general rule and anit- Hebrews particularly. I’m not claiming to know anything about you personally.
one of the (((good ones)) right??
No one is good .
A mixed-race perspective on the “good jew.”
Do you know what this reveals?
Hatred and ignorance crosses all lines all tribes, so it is the opposite must also be True.
At least your name reveals who you are.
who I am is a goi who knows exactly whom the real enemy are.
you obviously do not
How can he be overruled? Is he not the CiC?
see my comment.
so either he’s lying thur his ass, or guess who ain’t the Commander-in-Chief.
Are we are looking at another great deception coming from out of the cia and dod who want us looking at the balloon , but on there other dirty hand they are really up to something really, really bad. After all this time we are supposed believe the balloon was from China and just happen to be launched without no one in our defense not knowing anything. but how do we know it wasn’t put up there from the scumbags in the cia and dod.
Its like the Bat signal, eye on the rats and the -dumbs-.
Spy balloon 👍, maybe one day they will invent a satellite and then mount a camera to it. -Stratagem- They want you focused on the balloon, what’s really going on?
simple, not all the patriots are convinced the problem is China.
Instead of (((who))) is really behind it.
Educate everyone goi. What should be done with (((us)))?
same thing you are doing to us
Stop being a coward. Stop being so vague. Say it.
never forget
i can name four perverted agencies off the top of my head and not give it any thought, CIA, DOD, FBI, DHS and you will have to select which out of the four is the head gangster agency running everything.
Our village lost our only bank December. Now the council has posted they will no longer accept fiat over $20 for payments, instead you are coerced into signing up to the New digital bill pay system! Irregardless of the bank closure the burden should be placed on the village administration and not the citizens. Clear and legal tender for all debts public and private. Population less than 2k people, not like they are raking in millions each day. The -who- is not China, not the feds, it’s our sellout neighbors and local public officials. Nmhb205, nmhb50 taking control of our money, our food and self defense.
Who is running this country? From within, Isaiah 45
I am Yahuah, and there is none else,
forming light and creating darkness, making peace and creating evil.
I Yahuah, do all these;
19 I am Yahuah, and there is none else,
I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I have not said to the seed of Jacob, ‘seek me in vain. I am Yahuah, speaking righteousness, declaring things that are straight.
Not him. God help us if it’s Lloyd Austin. He was the guy who said he would call China and given them a five minute head’s up if the US were going to launch anything at them. Treason, and he’s still in there. The guy also responsible for all the wokeness in the military.
Sometimes just being around long enough tells you what’s BS. Young people, this is why you should give an ear to older folks, they’ve seen things over the long haul. There is no WAY in any earlier era in the United States that balloon would have even MADE IT to the continental US. It would have been detected off the coast and brought down in such a way as to render it useless for spying and allowed us to examine it thoroughly. No Americans lives would have been jeopardized, and they sure as hell wouldn’t have let it drift across the US doing whatever it wanted, gathering and sending information back to Chinee. We were vigilant. We were sovereign. We were defensive and ready. We are a freaking shell of our former selves, hollowed out by these traitors. God be with us.
don’t know, but i can tell you who’s running INTO the country…lots of non-mexican hispanics, peruvians, ecuadorian INMATES and AFRICAN MUSLIMS. My compatriots, I am in s az and we have our work cut out for us--to say the least. yall hear about the african muslim who raped a 4 and 8 year old girls? he only got 8 years. let that smolder…
OMG! OMG! OMG! A Chinese Spy Balloon! OMG! Thankfully it wasn’t a Chinese EMP Balloon!
I haven’t seen this much emotion, or manipulation, since you all peed your girl panties over the Flu, er… “Covid”.
We have spy satellites. They have spy satellites.
And everything they, your government, wants you to know, is being spoon fed you by?