Who really knew that liberty and freedom could be bought with a cell phone?

‘The Free Stuff Election’

If the most crucial presidential election of our lifetime could be defined, it would be called ‘The Free Stuff Election’.

There are some 1 million Ohioans out there with a free Obama cellphone.

Imagine the ‘Vote At’ text messages coming through on their Obama phones, and that’s just one state.

The omnipresent Obama team have worked the Free Stuff Crowd up to fever pitch as witnessed in the Ohio woman’s YouTube screed that Obama is not only giving out free cell phones but lots of other free stuff’s coming down the pike.

Who really knew that liberty and freedom could be bought with a cell phone?

Obama knew and has been working almost four years to bring all takers into his ‘grassroots’ tent.

Impossible to fathom how the one-man, U.S. wrecking ball known as Barack Hussein Obama,  after four years of the most destructive policies on record, could still attract support from 48% of voters nationwide, while they are saying Mitt Romney can count on 46% (Daily Tracking Poll).

More at Canada Free Press…

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