Who Were the Handlers?

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7 months ago

No Shit Sherlock!!!!!….this is now “OLD HAT!!!” Yes he is dead. So is the “Real Shooter,” any assistant shooters, any empty round police up the area flukies, get away drivers, etc and any vehicles are now “scrap” some where>>>> From the “Shooter” count back 3!!! Each “Shooter had a “Shooter to take them out… that’s 2 …. #3 May still be alive depending on how close he is tied to “Higher?????” Go figgr’!!! and as for “Higher” … he or “S”he….. is probably # “58!!!!!” Do the math, put yer’ thinking cap on and “Go Figgr’!!!!!!!!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago

I mean COME ON….
Does anybody REALLY believe this twat acted alone? Really?!?!?
Of course nobody does. But for some it is politically expedient to suggest otherwise, so they do.
This is the Deep State in action. Just look at the previous 60+ years of history! We’re not going to dislodge them through the voting booth, and people that think that, are frankly the problem. TINVOWOOT. We’re not voting this problem of tyrannical communists away (we didn’t vote them in, should be your first clue…)
People have witnessed “Our Democracy” completely upended and stolen from them repeatedly now these last 4 years, over and over in multiple ways. But nobody is ready to pick up a rifle and make the people responsible pay for their treason. Everyone still thinks there is a legal, lawful, expedient way to dispatch the traitors who have usurped our government. They keep coming up with a new line in the sand, or continue to believe that elections matter. Time will tell, but I still believe these same people will come up with a new excuse to sit on the sidelines come November.
The will to act is weak. The consequences too great. Once the cost of inaction becomes greater-than-or-equal-to the cost of action, something will happen. Not before, and the people pulling the strings know that. Somehow they always manage to stop just-short of hitting that point. I think Orange Jesus is a part of that -- he will win, and accomplish nothing outside of economic changes. Take the pressure off the people juuuuuust enough to stop the riots and civil war from starting.

7 months ago

She’s probably correct but we’ll NEVER know for sure who was involved and in what way. The FBI from day one began finding and concealing/destroying any and all evidence they could. They knew who the kid was within an hour yet didn’t reveal his name for some 12 hours. That time was used to scrub the internet of as much of his presence as possible. And Big Tech was complicit in that effort.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
7 months ago
Reply to  thexrayboy

There are ALWAYS fingerprints and clues left. This plot was and is too sloppy to put back in the bottle.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Yes…there are always clues. But in this case the FBI….tasked with finding those clues will then hide or destroy them. We will NEVER know with certainty all the details of his. We’ll only be told what they want us to know.

7 months ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

That’s because the federal law enforcement bureaucracies are mainly full of democrat liar marxists protecting the democrat commie nazi party from there crimes as well as the crimes of federal agents.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

the “foreign” asset/influence story popped to fast to be a truthful encounter, Smoke screen by the CIA/USSS. Now with the FBI investigating and refusing to share info, to me that smells like a smoke screen.

7 months ago

Three men can keep a secret if two are dead.