Who Will Defend The People?

As both political parties are now complicit in this coup, who is left to fight for the Republic besides the people? While our options seem to be limited to a civil war or a world war, most Americans just want to be left alone. I personally do not want a war and I do not want to go to war. Unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want.

Here is something that I know: Trump’s signature on two massive spending bills cemented the bankruptcy of the dollar and the length of the chains on our children. Currently, our national debt is $7.3 trillion higher since 2016. Our unfunded liabilities are $1 trillion more that the total assets of the entire country. No one can argue for the irrationality of the federal government’s fiscal policy. The inescapable conclusion: the plan is to divide and conquer the country. I think their plan is about to be successfully implemented. You only have to ask what will happen to you if there is no one left when they come for you.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

The ‘debt’ was never, from its creation in 1913, intended to be ‘repaid’. This is the method that the satanic (((moneychangers))) devised Centuries Ago, ‘loan money’ to the Sovereign, in exchange for the Sovereign declaring and Enforcing ‘judenfetzen’ as “Money”. The Sovereign then benefits from Endless Funds for ‘Bread-n-Circuses’ to keep the People Fat, Dumb and Happy.
The other ‘advantage’ it gives the (((parasites))) is the ability to Foment, and Finance, Wars between the Sovereign Nations. Then because ‘both sides’ are Indebted, the “Winner” Asset-Strips the “Loser”, and the (((parasites))) get their Cut.

Same Thing is happening Here, although This Time, “War” is not an Option, as the Existence of Nuclear Weapons means that “War” would Destroy the entire World, in terms of “Assets”. Parasites Die without Productive Hosts. What is Intended (you can Read about it at the Website of the “World Economic Forum”) is that the “Debt” will be “Forgiven” for All who agree to the “Great Reset” and ‘take the Mark of the Beast ™ by accepting their “Digital Currency”.

The parasite leader, (((Klaus Schwab))) has Declared that “You (goyim) will Own Nothing, and be Happy”.

The Only Way to Fight this is to REFUSE to Participate. How do you do this? When the ‘Economic Collapse’ a.k.a. ‘The Great Reset’ is Declared by the moneychangers, one must REPUDIATE their Debt- “Mortgage”, Credit Cards, Vehicle Loans, and the TAXES levied by ‘government’. This will require the application of Severe, Sustained, Merciless ViOlEnCe. Kill them, Kill their Families to the last Infant. (but spare their Pets. Even the little Rat-Dogs.)