“The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have had the vaccine, received the vaccine & then suffered a stroke”
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) December 26, 2024
Wow – it must be bad if even Legacy Media are now covering it. pic.twitter.com/Jiz5x0jWS6
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They knew all along. They lied. No mercy for them.
Ohhh Luigi!!!!! Where for art thou Luigi?!?
Also, I need to correct a mistake I made about a week ago. I said the Russians were going to shut down an energy pipeline to Europe on January 1st. It’s actually the Ukrainians who are going to shut down the gas pipeline to Europe on January 1st. They want to punish Slovakia and maybe Hungary. The energy situation is getting real serious in Europe.
You can’t print energy and food.
I say this to the cdc: questions without answers is a road to science. Answers that cannot be questioned is tyranny. We’ll never believe a word you say…ever. You tried to kill us.