Being dumbed-down was and is a mantra, a god (and there are rewards attached in a material sense, for compliance in the individual aspect or with regards to groupthink), and to serve this god, is to show deference to those appointed in positions of authority over them, and in establishing themselves as reliably agreeable persons to the whims of society. To expound upon this, an examination of the cultural and spiritual voids left by the church system are necessitated, as people need something to cling to.
I walked around mask free from the very onset of the mass psychosis and got many nasty looks but being a ruddy and thuggish looking Irish lad nobody ever actually challenged me except one time at Menards Lumber Store they sent three upper level management to chase me around the store . When I got to checkout they refused to sell me the stuff I picked up and I just left it on the counter and left . Disgusted . Haven’t been back since . Fook ’em !
At a store in Ohio, Menards had security at the door. Wouldn’t let you in unless you wore a mask. Their store, they set the rules. My money, I set the rules. Screw them.
Chicken Inspector
2 years ago
Thanks, I needed that!
enn ess
2 years ago
Funny and Sad, but entirely true. This is what the majority of our society has become, thank the pubick indoctrina-shun system for that, and our over reliance on “somebody doing something” to fix what we should be fixing ourselves. Our kids have been taught to become obedient little serfs.
Christopher Rasmus
2 years ago
Yah this is awesome because it’s very tastefully mocking the communists.
Unfortunately we should be doing a lot more than just mocking them, but it’s fun to watch regardless.
Being dumbed-down was and is a mantra, a god (and there are rewards attached in a material sense, for compliance in the individual aspect or with regards to groupthink), and to serve this god, is to show deference to those appointed in positions of authority over them, and in establishing themselves as reliably agreeable persons to the whims of society. To expound upon this, an examination of the cultural and spiritual voids left by the church system are necessitated, as people need something to cling to.
Great, should be on every network nationwide.
That will never happen because they are the prestitutes and mouth pieces for the degenerate reprobate system that it has morphed into
Yep, Phil a little sarcasm it would never happen.
I walked around mask free from the very onset of the mass psychosis and got many nasty looks but being a ruddy and thuggish looking Irish lad nobody ever actually challenged me except one time at Menards Lumber Store they sent three upper level management to chase me around the store . When I got to checkout they refused to sell me the stuff I picked up and I just left it on the counter and left . Disgusted . Haven’t been back since . Fook ’em !
At a store in Ohio, Menards had security at the door. Wouldn’t let you in unless you wore a mask. Their store, they set the rules. My money, I set the rules. Screw them.
Thanks, I needed that!
Funny and Sad, but entirely true. This is what the majority of our society has become, thank the pubick indoctrina-shun system for that, and our over reliance on “somebody doing something” to fix what we should be fixing ourselves. Our kids have been taught to become obedient little serfs.
Yah this is awesome because it’s very tastefully mocking the communists.
Unfortunately we should be doing a lot more than just mocking them, but it’s fun to watch regardless.
Funny how the truth makes you laugh your ass off