🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸 VIDEO: JEFFREY SACHS claims that "NETANYAHU is our greatest, disastrous PRESIDENT of the 21st century.
— Legitimate Targets (@LegitTargets) March 20, 2025
He ran American foreign policy for 20 years, and cost us TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Israel is using the U.S. as if our military is in their hands, and in effect it is." pic.twitter.com/Htx0C4MhLo
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Get israel and netansheethoo out of Americas government! No more jew money to congress/senate…jews tell trump what to do…Get us out of israel…jews have done nothing for America…..jews want America to fight their war with Iran…and with trump the jews will most likely get their way…Hope all the war mongers have their sons and daughters on the front lines first!! israel is a leach, sucking blood, from the American tax payers!
trump is not the American president…netansheethoo is and trump is israels pimp…:-)
Bless Israel and Be Blessed.
Last Four Years Is Proof When You Don’t!
These are not the same jews of the bible.
The Bible Is The True Holy Word Of God. No man can change the words to satisfy their opinions. Explain when the Jews were scattered aboard, but according to GOD’S true word they will once again be regathered to Israel again.
You just don’t want to except the Israelite people as God’s chosen.
God’s word states very plain, “Bless Israel and Be Blessed, Curse Israel and Be Cursed “
I prefer to Believe God’s Holy Word from Genesis to Revelation.
Sorry, The Jews were God’s chosen. After the resurrection of Christ, God opened it up to ALL who believe in his Son. Even St. Paul, whose creds as a Jew were impeccable, said he counted his creds for nothing. He wrote several times that in Christ there Is no Jew or Gentile, but that we are all one.
It sounds like you have been conditioned by the religionists you’ve sat under to believe a lie.
DNA shows there’s no difference between the ashkenazi and the Palestinians
These are not “The Chosen People” of the OT.
Not hardly! They are the despicable detritus-the burned out inbred leftovers--of a (perhaps) once-blessed group.
They became the diaspora who--by their actions and their self-imposed “marital superiority”--caused even welcoming and well-meaning peoples to eventually turn their heads in disgust.
“I’ll take “Who Were the Bolshevik Genocidists” for $200, Alex.”
Understanding the True Bible as The Holy Word of God has always been hard for man to understand or comprehend. Man has always want to change God’s word, but God’s word can not be changed and neither will God’s Word come back VOID.
Al could you please reply with the scriptures about God sending the Hews into slavery under the Babylonians?
I’d like to know you really know how God has responded to Jewish SIN and Disobedience.
It’s not the FIRST time God has destroyed them to restore them after Repentance.
So many can’t face this TRUTH.