Whose Side Are You On?

Hillary Clinton is questioning Congress concerning which side of the Libya “war” they are supporting (see excerpt below). And that is the problem: we don’t know whose side we are on anymore. Who are we fighting in Yemen? Why are we supporting Al Qaeda in Libya? Are we turning Afghanistan over to the Taliban? Why has the United States abandoned Israel?

The president swore an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Mr. Obama’s statement last week that the United Nations gives him the authority to engage in military action in Libya can only be described as treasonous. The president of the United States serves to uphold the rule of law based on the Constitution not One World Order. We are now at the point where we as individuals must ask ourselves: WHOSE SIDE AM I ON?

I am on the side of the country that was created by the sacrifice and on the principles of our founding fathers. It is clear that the current administration is not on this side.


David DeGerolamo

Clinton asks Congress, whose side are you on?

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica (AP) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is questioning the priorities of lawmakers criticizing the U.S. intervention in Libya.

She’s asking bluntly, “Whose side are you on?”

Setting up a showdown on Libya, House Republicans agreed Wednesday to vote on
dueling measures, one to give President Barack Obama limited authority to
continue U.S. involvement in the NATO-led operation against Moammar Gadhafi and
the other to cut off funds for military hostilities.


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13 years ago

maybe congress should ask Hillary where do you stand with the congress or with the president .. ??